Ministry of Commerce, Export Promotion Department
- Afghanistan - Afghanistan - Afghanistan
- Armenien - Arménie - Armenia
- Aserbaidschan - Azerbaïdjan - Azerbaigian
- Bahrein - Bahrein - Bahrein
- Bangladesh - Bangladesh - Bangladesh
- Bhutan - Bhoutan - Bhutan
- China - Chine - Cina
- Georgien - Géorgie - Georgia
- Indien - Inde - India
- Indonesien - Indonésie - Indonesia
- Irak - Irak - Irak
- Iran - Iran - Iran
- Kambodscha - Cambodge - Cambogia
- Kasachstan - Kazakhstan - Kazakistan
- Kirgisistan - Kirghizistan - Kirghizistan
- Korea (Nord) - Corée (Nord) - Corea del Nord
- Laos - Laos - Laos
- Malaysia - Malaisie - Malaysia
- Malediven - Maldives - Maldive
- Mongolei - Mongolie - Mongolia
- Myanmar - Myanmar - Myanmar
- Nepal - Népal - Nepal
- Oman - Oman - Oman
- Pakistan - Pakistan - Pakistan
- Philippinen - Philippines - Filippine
- Saudi Arabien - Arabie Saoudite - Arabia Saudita
- Sri Lanka - Sri Lanka - Sri Lanka
- Syrien - Syrie - Siria
- Tadschikistan - Tadjikistan - Tagikistan
- Thailand - Thaïlande - Thailandia
- Turkmenistan - Turkménistan - Turkmenistan
- Usbekistan - Ouzbékistan - Uzbekistan
- Vietnam - Vietnam - Vietnam
AF 333 Afghanistan - Afghanistan - Afghanistan
AM 185 Armenien - Arménie - Armenia
Chamber of Commerce & Industry of the Republic of Armenia
AZ 186 Aserbaidschan - Azerbaïdjan - Azerbaigian
Ministry of Economy
State Service of Antimonopoly Policy and Protection of Consumers Rights
BH 322 Bahrein - Bahrein - Bahrein
BD 337 Bangladesh - Bangladesh - Bangladesh
Export Promotion Bureau
Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation
Nur für Waren aus Jute,
Uniquement pour marchandises en jute
Solo per i prodotti in juta
BT 346 Bhutan - Bhoutan - Bhutan
Ministry of Trade and Industry
CN 373 China - Chine - Cina
Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau
GE 188 Georgien - Géorgie - Georgia
Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development
Revenue Service of the Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Finance and Economy (Autonomous Republic of Adjara)
IN 339 Indien - Inde - India
Jt. D.G.F.T.
Jt. CCI + E
Chief Controller of Imports and Exports
Joint Chief Controller of Imports and Exports
Central Silk Board
Coir Board
Export Inspection Council
Textiles Committee
Ministry of Textiles
Tobacco Board India
Ministry of Commerce
Spices Board
Marine Products Export
Development Authority of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry
ID 391 Indonesien - Indonésie - Indonesia
Ministry of Trade
IQ 329 Irak - Irak - Irak
Ministry of Economy, General Export Organization, Iraqi Dates Administration
Ministry of Economics, State Organization Export
Ministry of Industry
Federation of Industries
Chamber of Commerce
IR 331 Iran - Iran - Iran
Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mine and Agriculture
Ministry of Industries and Mines, Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran
KH 363 Kambodscha - Cambodge - Cambogia
Ministry of Commerce
KZ 189 Kasachstan - Kazakhstan - Kazakistan
National Chamber of Entrepreneurs
KG 190 Kirgisistan - Kirghizistan - Kirghizistan
Chamber of Commerce and Industry
KP 383 Korea (Nord) - Corée (Nord) - Corea del Nord
Korea Export & Import Commodity Inspection & Quarantine Committee (KIQC)
LA 365 Laos - Laos - Laos
Ministry of Industry and Commerce
Department of Import and Export
Industry and Trade Service
Trade Service of Champasak Province
(for wood and wood products, agriculture and forestry products)
MY 355 Malaysia - Malaisie - Malaysia
Kementerian, Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri
Ministry of International Trade and Industry
MV 344 Malediven - Maldives - Maldive
MN 371 Mongolei - Mongolie - Mongolia
Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry
MM 351 Myanmar - Myanmar - Myanmar
Ministry of Commerce, Directorate of Trade
Ministry of Commerce, Department of Trade
NP 345 Nepal - Népal - Nepal
OM 325 Oman - Oman - Oman
Chamber of Commerce and Industry
PK 335 Pakistan - Pakistan - Pakistan
Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP)
PH 389 Philippinen - Philippines - Filippine
Bureau of Customs
SA 311 Saudi Arabien - Arabie Saoudite - Arabia Saudita
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
LK 343 Sri Lanka - Sri Lanka - Sri Lanka
Department of Commerce
SY 301 Syrien - Syrie - Siria
Douane / Customs + Chambre d'Industrie / Chambre de Commerce
Die Ursprungszeugnisse Form A sind nur mit
den Stempeln des Zolls und der Chambre d'Industrie
oder mit den Stempeln des Zolls und der Chambre de Commerce
Les CO Formule A sont valables uniquement avec les
timbres de la douane et de la Chambre d'Industrie
ou les timbres de la douane et de la Chambre de Commerce.
I certificati d'origine mod. A sono validi solo con
i timbri della dogana e della Camera dell'Industria
o i timbri della dogana e della Camera di Commercio.
TJ 192 Tadschikistan - Tadjikistan - Tagikistan
Chamber of Commerce
TH 353 Thailand - Thaïlande - Thailandia
Department of Foreign Trade
TM 193 Turkmenistan - Turkménistan - Turkmenistan
Ministry of Trade and Consumer Cooperation
UZ 195 Usbekistan - Ouzbékistan - Uzbekistan
VN 368 Vietnam - Vietnam - Vietnam
Jusqu'à nouvel avis du Vietnam peuvent être acceptés uniquement les formulaires A.