Payments / invoices

You can pay your invoices either by Payment slip with reference number (QR-IBAN), direct debit (LSV-BDD, CH-DD)  or by e-bill. Find out more about the payment methods here.


You can receive your invoices either by post, electronically in PDF format via email or as e‑bills.

Methods of payment


Our payment system has been set up in accordance with and is addressed to the QR-IBAN.

Payment slip with reference number QR-IBAN

Use only the payment slip with thecorresponding reference number that you receive from the FOCBS. If payment with the orange payment slip is not possible and you use another payment method, please note your invoice and CSP account number under the reason for payment.

Direct debit procedure (either BDD Bank or CH-DD PostFinance)

LSV / Business Direct Debit BDD (Bank)

If you decide to participate in LSV / Business Direct Debit, please fill out the debit authorisation and send it to your bank. The bank will confirm the debit authorisation and forward it to FOCBS, Finance.

CH-DD direct debit procedure (Swiss Direct Debit) PostFinance (PF)

If you decide to participate in the CH-DD direct debit procedure (Swiss Direct Debit) PostFinance, please fill out the payment authorisation and send it to PostFinance. PF will confirm the application and forward it to the FOCBS, Finance.

In the case of payments via LSV-BDD or CH-DD, the duties owed are debited directly to your bank/PostFinance account and the payment deadlines will be fulfilled (see section Payment deadlines below).

Your advantages if you participate in the LSV-BDD or CH-DD:

  • You no longer need to think about payment deadlines
  • No more paperwork
  • Reminders are avoided


It is also possible to order your invoices electronically. With e-billing, you can make your payment paperlessly, simply and securely. The mandatory payment deadlines apply (see below). Further information can be found on the following website: E-bill.

Payment deadlines

The payment deadlines vary depending on whether they concern customs duties or value added tax:

  • Customs duties must be paid within 5 days in accordance with Art. 69 of the Customs Act.
  • A payment period of 60 days is granted for value added tax, provided that the conditions pursuant to Art. 56, para. 2 of the VAT Act apply.

Also to be noted:

  • Payment must be made in official currency (Swiss francs CHF). Any bank charges in connection with the payment must be covered by the customer.      
  • Payments must be made in favour of the Federal Office for Customs and Border Security FOCBS, 3003 Bern.
  • Use only the payment slip with the corresponding reference number that you receive from the FOCBS.
  • If payment with the payment slip is not possible and you use another payment method, please note your invoice and CSP account number under the reason for payment.
  • If possible, avoid collective payments that include several invoices. If you nonetheless make a collective payment, you must specify all invoice numbers and your CSP account number under the reason for payment. In addition, a detailed notification must be sent in advance to our central email address
  • A CSP account is not a current account. Therefore, always pay the exact invoice amount. Do not deduct any credit. Partial payments cannot be accepted.


Finances FOCBS

Federal Office for Customs and Border Security FOCBS
Taubenstrasse 16
3003 Bern

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