Goods with both civilian and military applications

Goods falling under the definition of goods with both civilian and military applications ("dual use goods") must be presented and registered at a Customs Office when imported, exported, or transited commercially. Additionally, such goods generally require a permit under the Goods Control Act or the War Material Act when being exported (see link).


The permit obligations are noted in the Customs Tariff (Tares "Display details") under the appropriate tariff numbers with the notice "SECO-ESIG" or "SECO-ESRG". Since goods with both civilian and military applications as well as specific military goods may fall within the scope of two different legislative foundations, the following offices decide on the permit obligation or exemptions therefrom:

Permit offices

(see also links)

State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO
Export controls of industrial goods (ESIG)
3003 Bern

State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO
Export controls of armaments (ESRG)
3003 Bern 


The website of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO (see link) includes lists of goods, fact sheets, and several forms in this regard. You will find information there regarding whether your goods are considered goods with both civilian and military applications (according to the Goods Control Act) or specific military goods (according to the War Material Act).

Object and purpose of the Goods Control Act

The Goods Control Act governs in particular the export of dual use goods (e.g. machine tools, certain chemicals, etc.) and of specific military goods (e.g. military training aircraft, military simulators, etc.). The control of such goods is intended to prevent in particular:


a)  that they be used to develop, manufacture, or use nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons (ABC weapons);  
b)  that they could serve to develop, manufacture, or use launcher systems for the deployment of ABC weapons; or  
c)  that they contribute to the conventional armament of a state whose conduct endangers regional or global security.