Importation into Switzerland

Consignments from abroad are generally subject to customs duty and VAT. Below we show how the costs can be calculated roughly and what has to be noted when importing.

Please note that a definitive calculation is not possible, as the costs of the transporter, e.g. Swiss Post, are not known in advance. The costs are generally billed to the recipient together with the customs duty and taxes (e.g. VAT). Clarify this with the corresponding transporter.

Gift items sent by private individuals abroad to private individuals in Switzerland are exempt from duties and tax up to a merchandise value of CHF 100, but tobacco products and alcoholic beverages are excluded. The sender must provide a corresponding comment on the outside of the parcel or letter.

How much does importing cost? Sample calculation - taxable goods value.

Bans, restrictions and authorisations

It is forbidden to import narcotics, protected animal and plant species and some other goods. Certain goods may be taken across the border only on a restricted basis or with a special permit, e.g. weapons. Information on this can be found under:

Special case – temporary importation

For the temporary importation of goods, e.g. for repairs, please note the information on so-called processing traffic.

Additional information on importing via post or courier:


By product type:


Information office for customs regulations

+41 58 467 15 15

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