Service level agreement and budget with ITFP

The Head of the Federal Department of Finance FDF concludes an annual service level agreement (SLA) with the Director of the Federal Office for Customs and Border Security FOCBS. This is a management tool that fleshes out the political mandate and planning with annual objectives.

The SLA is part of the new federal management model (NMM), which was introduced in the Federal Administration in January 2017. This means that the SLA is linked to the FOCBS budget.

The so-called budget with integrated task and financial plan (budget with ITFP) summarises the short-term plan (budget) and medium-term plan (task and financial plan) of the FOCBS and also systematically links resources with the service objectives. Each year, Parliament adopts the budget for the following year during the winter session.

At the end of the budget year, the FOCBS presents the receipts for the year just ended in the state financial statements, and gives an account of expenditure and the achievement of objectives. The state financial statements are adopted by the Federal Council.