Generated on August 15, 2017 9:27:44 AM CEST
e-dec Plausi-Rules Report: Import
Package: plausi_ruleset_import (341 rules)
Rule: R100 Verkehrsrichtung in Stammdaten
Gueltige Verkehrsrichtung gem. Stammdaten.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if the direction of POSITION isNotNull and the direction of POSITION is not one of the refDirections of REFDATA then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_reference_data' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_repairAndRefinement_direction' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R101 Veredelungstyp in Stammdaten
Gueltiger Veredelungstyp gem. Stammdaten
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if the refinementType of POSITION isNotNull and the refinementType of POSITION is not one of the refRefinementTypes of REFDATA then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_reference_data' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_repairAndRefinement_refinementType' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R102 Verfahrenstyp in Stammdaten
Gueltiger Verfahrenstyp gem. Stammdaten
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if the processType of POSITION isNotNull and the processType of POSITION is not one of the refProcessTypes of REFDATA then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_reference_data' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_repairAndRefinement_processType' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R103 Abrechnungstyp in Stammdaten
Gueltiger Abrechnungstyp gem. Stammdaten.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if the billingType of POSITION isNotNull and the billingType of POSITION is not one of the refBillingTypes of REFDATA then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_reference_data' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_repairAndRefinement_billingType' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R105 Veranlagungsbeleg in Stammdaten
Gültiger Veranlagungsbeleg gem. Stammdaten oder 0 sonst Fehler.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if all of the following conditions are true : - the injunctionType of HEADER isNotNull - "0" is not the injunctionType of HEADER - the injunctionType of HEADER is not one of the refInjunctionTypes of REFDATA , then 'the result' .setHeaderError( "1" , 'the check_reference_data' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( 'the ref_injunctionType' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R109a Dienststelle falsch
Gueltige Versions- und Dienststellennummer.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; if the lastCorrectionCode of HEADER isNotNull and the customsOfficeNumber of HEADER isNotNull and the customsOfficeNumber of HEADER is not the lastVersionCustomsOfficeNumber of HEADER then 'the result' .setHeaderError( "1" , 'the check_version' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( 'the ref_correctionCode' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R109b Annullation
Gueltige Versions- und Zollstellennummer.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header where the lastCorrectionCode of this header isNotNull ; if 'the var_correctionCode_Annullation_0' is the lastCorrectionCode of HEADER and the customsOfficeNumber of HEADER is the lastVersionCustomsOfficeNumber of HEADER then 'the result' .setHeaderError( "1" , 'the check_version' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( 'the ref_correctionCode' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R109c Versionsnummer falsch
Gueltige Versions- und Zollstellennummer.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header where the lastCorrectionCode of this header isNull or ( the lastCorrectionCode of this header isNotNull and 'the var_correctionCode_Annullation_0' is not the lastCorrectionCode of this header and the lastVersionCustomsOfficeNumber of this header isNotNull and the customsOfficeNumber of this header isNotNull and the customsOfficeNumber of this header is the lastVersionCustomsOfficeNumber of this header ) ; if the lastCorrectionCode of HEADER isNull and the correctionCode of HEADER is one of { 'the var_correctionCode_Annullation_0' , 'the var_correctionCode_Korrektur_2' } or the lastCorrectionCode of HEADER isNotNull and 'the var_correctionCode_Annullation_0' is not the lastCorrectionCode of HEADER and 'the var_correctionCode_Erstuebermittlung_1' is the correctionCode of HEADER then 'the result' .setHeaderError( "1" , 'the check_version' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( 'the ref_correctionCode' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R110 Begruendung
Wenn der Anmeldungstyp gleich 2 ist, dann ist eine Begruendung anzugeben, sonst darf keine Begruendung angegeben sein
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; if ( 'the var_declarationType_provisorisch_2' is the declarationType of HEADER and the reason of HEADER isNull ) or ( 'the var_declarationType_provisorisch_2' is not the declarationType of HEADER and the reason of HEADER isNotNull ) then 'the result' .setHeaderError( "1" , 'the check_dependency' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( 'the ref_reason' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R111 Berichtigungsgrund
Wenn der Berichtigungcode gleich 0 (Annulation) oder gleich 2 (Berichtigung) ist , dann ist ein Berichtigungsgrund notwendig sonst darf kein Berichtigungsgrund verwendet werden. (correctionCode : 0 = Annullation / 1 = Erstübermittlung / 2 = Berichtigung / 3 = erneute Anforderung von Rückmeldung und PDF)
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; if ( the correctionReason of HEADER isNull and the correctionCode of HEADER isNotNull and the correctionCode of HEADER is one of { 'the var_correctionCode_Annullation_0' , 'the var_correctionCode_Korrektur_2' } ) or ( 'the var_correctionCode_Erstuebermittlung_1' is the correctionCode of HEADER and the correctionReason of HEADER isNotNull ) then 'the result' .setHeaderError( "1" , 'the check_dependency' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( 'the ref_correctionReason' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R112 Transportmitteltyp
Wenn der Verkehrszweig gleich 3 (Strassenverkehr) ist, dann muss der Transportmitteltyp gesetzt sein, sonst darf der Transportmitteltyp nicht verwendet werden.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; if ( 'the var_transportMode_Strasse_3' is the transportMode of HEADER and the transportationType of HEADER isNull ) or ( 'the var_transportMode_Strasse_3' is not the transportMode of HEADER and the transportationType of HEADER isNotNull ) then 'the result' .setHeaderError( "1" , 'the check_dependency' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( 'the ref_transportMeans_type' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R113 Transportmittelland
Wenn der Verkehrszweig gleich 3 (Strassenverkehr) ist, dann muss das Transportmittelland angegeben sein.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; if ( the transportationCountry of HEADER isNull or 'the helper_def_empty_String' is the transportationCountry of HEADER ) and 'the var_transportMode_Strasse_3' is the transportMode of HEADER then 'the result' .setHeaderError( "1" , 'the check_dependency' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( 'the ref_transportMeans_country' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R114 Transportmittelkennzeichen
Wenn der Verkehrszweig gleich 3 (Strassenverkehr) ist, dann muss das Transportmittelkennzeichen gesetzt sein.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; if ( the transportationNumber of HEADER isNull or 'the helper_def_Space_String' is the transportationNumber of HEADER or 'the helper_def_empty_String' is the transportationNumber of HEADER ) and 'the var_transportMode_Strasse_3' is the transportMode of HEADER then 'the result' .setHeaderError( "1" , 'the check_dependency' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( 'the ref_transportMeans_number' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R115 Container
Wenn der Container gleich 1 ist, dann ist die Containernummer anzugeben, sonst darf die Containernummer nicht angegeben sein.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; if ( 'the var_transportMean_inContainer_nein_0' is the transportInContainer of HEADER and the number of elements in the containerNumbers of HEADER is more than 0 ) or ( 'the var_transportMean_inContainer_ja_1' is the transportInContainer of HEADER and the number of elements in the containerNumbers of HEADER is 0 ) or ( 'the var_transportMean_inContainer_ja_1' is the transportInContainer of HEADER and ( the containerNumbers of HEADER contain 'the helper_def_Space_String' or the containerNumbers of HEADER contain 'the helper_def_empty_String' ) ) then 'the result' .setHeaderError( "1" , 'the check_dependency' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( 'the ref_transportInContainer' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R118 Erzeugungsland CH oder FL oder LI
Das Erzeugungsland darf nicht gleich CH, FL oder LI sein
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header where checkWarenDetailInAllWarenVorhanden( "28" , "66" ) of this header is false ; if the dispatchCountry of HEADER isNotNull and the dispatchCountry of HEADER is one of { "CH" , "FL" , "LI" } then 'the result' .setHeaderError( "1" , 'the check_other_header' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( 'the ref_dispatchCountry' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R119 Sperrcode Konto Zoll
Der Zollkonto-Sperrcode und der Berichtigungscode dürfen nicht beide "1" sein.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if "1" is REFDATA .getRefLockCodeAccount( the customsAccount of HEADER ) then 'the result' .setHeaderError( "1" , 'the check_other_header' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( 'the ref_business_customsAccount' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R120 Sperrcode Konto MWST
Das Mehrwertsteuerkonto-Sperrcode und der Berichtigungscode dürfen nicht beide "1" sein.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if "1" is REFDATA .getRefLockCodeAccount( the VATAccount of HEADER ) then 'the result' .setHeaderError( "1" , 'the check_other_header' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( 'the ref_business_VATAccount' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R121 Empfaengerland CH
Das Empfaengerland muss CH oder FL oder LI sein.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; if the consigneeCountry of HEADER isNotNull and the consigneeCountry of HEADER is not one of { "CH" , "FL" , "LI" } then 'the result' .setHeaderError( "1" , 'the check_other_header' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( 'the ref_consignee_country' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R122 Importeurland CH
Das Importeurland muss CH oder FL oder LI sein (ausser bei UC80).
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header where 'the var_clearanceLocation_Erfassung_ab_Einheitsdokument_3' is not the clearancelocation of this header and 'the var_clearanceLocation_Veranlagung_von_Amtes_wegen_4' is not the clearancelocation of this header ; if the importerCountry of HEADER isNotNull and the importerCountry of HEADER is not one of { "CH" , "FL" , "LI" } then 'the result' .setHeaderError( "1" , 'the check_other_header' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( 'the ref_importer_country' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R123 MWST-Wert Statistischer Wert
Wenn der Richtigcode MWSt-Wert gleich 0 und der statischer Wert nicht gleich 0 ist, dann muss der MWSt-Wert groesser oder gleich dem statistischen Wert und kleiner oder gleich dreimal dem statistischen Wert sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position where the VATValue of this position isNotNull and 'the var_customsClearanceType_AbgabeFrei_8' is not the customsClearanceType of this position and the statisticalValue of this position isNotNull and false is this position is zusatz abgabe ac9 ; if ( the VATValueConfirmation of POSITION isNull or "0" is the VATValueConfirmation of POSITION ) and ( the amount of the VATValue of POSITION is less than the amount of the statisticalValue of POSITION or the amount of the VATValue of POSITION is more than ( the amount of the statisticalValue of POSITION * 'the helper_def_int_3' ) ) then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_statistics' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_valuation_VATValue' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_statistic_statisticalValue' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R124 MWST-Code vorgesehen
Wenn der angemeldeter MWSt-Code für eine Warengruppe gem. Stammdaten vorgesehen ist, muss der Richtigcode MWSt-Code nicht gesetzt sein (und umgekehrt).
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position where 'the var_customsClearanceType_AbgabeFrei_8' is not the customsClearanceType of this position and true is not this position is zusatz abgabe ac9 ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if ( the VATCode of POSITION is one of REFDATA .getAllMwstCodes( the commodityCode of POSITION ) and "1" is the VATCodeConfirmation of POSITION ) or ( the VATCode of POSITION is not one of REFDATA .getAllMwstCodes( the commodityCode of POSITION ) and "1" is not the VATCodeConfirmation of POSITION and the VATCode of POSITION is not one of { 'the var_VATCode_Verlagerungsverfahren_MWST_90' , 'the var_VATCode_Lohnveredelung_im_Nichterhebungsverfahren_MWST_91' , 'the var_VATCode_Nachtraegliche_Steuerveranlagung_92' } ) then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_statistics' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_valuation_VATCode' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R125a Mittelwertpruefung
Wenn die Zusatzmenge fuer die angemeldete Warennummer gem. Stammdaten vorgesehen ist, der Richtigcode statistischer Wert gleich 0 ist und der Bemessungscode gem. Stammdaten gleich 61 ist, dann muss der statistische Wert geteilt durch die Zusatzmenge groesser oder gleich dem unteren Mittelwert und kleiner oder gleich dem oberen Mittelwert sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position where this position is zusatz abgabe ac9 is false ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if ( the statisticalValueConfirmation of POSITION isNull or "0" is the statisticalValueConfirmation of POSITION ) and ( the additionalUnit of POSITION isNotNull and 0 is not the additionalUnit of POSITION ) and getBemessungsCodeFromMittelwert( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) of REFDATA isNotNull and getUntererMittelwert( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) of REFDATA isNotNull and getObererMittelwert( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) of REFDATA isNotNull and "61" is getBemessungsCodeFromMittelwert( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) of REFDATA and ( ( getUntererMittelwert( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) of REFDATA is more than the amount of the statisticalValue of POSITION .divide( the additionalUnit of POSITION , 2 , 1 ) ) or ( getObererMittelwert( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) of REFDATA is less than the amount of the statisticalValue of POSITION .divide( the additionalUnit of POSITION , 2 , 1 ) ) ) then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_statistics' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_statistic_statisticalValue' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R125b Mittelwertpruefung
Wenn die Eigenmasse fuer die angemeldete Warennummer gem. Stammdaten vorgesehen ist, der Richtigcode statistischer Wert gleich 0 ist und der Bemessungscode gem. Stammdaten gleich 51 ist, dann muss der statistische Wert geteilt durch die Eigenmasse groesser oder gleich dem unteren Mittelwert und kleiner oder gleich dem oberen Mittelwert sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position where true is not this position is zusatz abgabe ac9 and the netMass of this position isNotNull and 0 is not the netMass of this position and the statisticalValue of this position isNotNull ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if ( any of the following conditions is true : - the statisticalValueConfirmation of POSITION isNull - "0" is the statisticalValueConfirmation of POSITION , ) and getBemessungsCodeFromMittelwert( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) of REFDATA isNotNull and getUntererMittelwert( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) of REFDATA isNotNull and getObererMittelwert( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) of REFDATA isNotNull and "51" is getBemessungsCodeFromMittelwert( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) of REFDATA and ( getUntererMittelwert( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) of REFDATA is more than the amount of the statisticalValue of POSITION .divide( the netMass of POSITION , 2 , 1 ) or getObererMittelwert( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) of REFDATA is less than the amount of the statisticalValue of POSITION .divide( the netMass of POSITION , 2 , 1 ) ) then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_statistics' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_statistic_statisticalValue' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R127 Rohmasse - Eigenmasse
Wenn der Richtigcode Rohmasse gleich 0 ist und die Eigenmasse kleiner oder gleich 10, dann muss die Rohmasse groesser oder gleich Eigenmasse und kleiner oder gleich 25-mal Eigenmasse sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position where the netMass of this position isNotNull and the grossMass of this position isNotNull and true is not this position is zusatz abgabe ac9 and 'the var_grossMassConfirmation_gesetzt_1' is not the grossMassConfirmation of this position ; if ( ( ( 'the helper_def_int_10' equals the netMass of POSITION or 'the helper_def_int_10' is more than the netMass of POSITION ) and the grossMass of POSITION is more than ( the netMass of POSITION * 'the helper_def_int_25' ) ) or ( 'the helper_def_int_10' is less than the netMass of POSITION and the grossMass of POSITION is more than ( the netMass of POSITION * 'the helper_def_float_2_5' ) ) or the grossMass of POSITION is less than the netMass of POSITION ) and ( the grossMassConfirmation of POSITION isNull or 'the var_grossMassConfirmation_nicht_gesetzt_0' is the grossMassConfirmation of POSITION ) then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_statistics' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_grossMass' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R128 Eigenmasse
Wenn die Eigenmasse fuer die angemeldete Warennummer gem. Stammdaten notwendig ist, dann muss die Eigenmasse angegeben sein, sonst ist sie optional
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position where 'the var_customsClearanceType_AbgabeFrei_8' is not the customsClearanceType of this position and true is not this position is zusatz abgabe ac9 ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if ( the netMass of POSITION isNull or 0 is the netMass of POSITION ) and 'the var_quantityCode_netMass_1' is one of getMengenCodeTypes( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) of REFDATA then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_statistics' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_netMass' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R129 Staffelgewicht Eigenmasse
Wenn der Staffelgewichtscode gem. Stammdaten gleich 1 ist und der Richtigcode Eigenmasse gleich 0 ist, dann muss die Eigenmasse groesser oder gleich dem unteren Staffelgewicht und kleiner oder gleich dem oberen Staffelgewicht sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position where true is not this position is zusatz abgabe ac9 ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if the netMass of POSITION isNotNull and getUnteresStaffelgewicht( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) of REFDATA isNotNull and 'the var_netMassConfirmation_1' is not the netMassConfirmation of POSITION and 'the var_Staffelgewichtscode_1' is getStaffelgewichtscode( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) of REFDATA and the netMass of POSITION is less than getUnteresStaffelgewicht( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) of REFDATA then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_statistics' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_netMass' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R130 Zusatzmenge
Wenn die Zusatzmenge fuer die angemeldete Warennummer gem. Stammdaten notwendig ist, dann muss die Zusatzmenge angegeben sein, sonst ist sie optional.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position where 'the var_customsClearanceType_AbgabeFrei_8' is not the customsClearanceType of this position and true is not this position is zusatz abgabe ac9 ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if the additionalUnit of POSITION isNull and 'the var_quantityCode_additionalUnit_2' is one of getMengenCodeTypes( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) of REFDATA then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_statistics' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_additionalUnit' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R131a Staffelgewichtscode Zusatzmenge
Wenn der Staffelgewichtscode gem. Stammdaten gleich 2 ist und der Richtigcode Zusatzmenge gleich 0 ist, dann muss Eigenmasse geteilt durch Zusatzmenge groesser oder gleich dem unteren Staffelgewicht und kleiner oder gleich dem oberen Staffelgewicht sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position where true is not this position is zusatz abgabe ac9 ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if the statisticalCode of POSITION isNotNull and the netMass of POSITION isNotNull and the commodityCode of POSITION isNotNull and getUnteresStaffelgewicht( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) of REFDATA isNotNull and getOberesStaffelgewicht( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) of REFDATA isNotNull and getStaffelgewichtscode( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) of REFDATA isNotNull and 'the var_additionalUnitConfirmation_1' is not the additonalUnitConfirmation of POSITION and 'the var_Staffelgewichtscode_2' is getStaffelgewichtscode( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) of REFDATA and the additionalUnit of POSITION isNotNull and 0 is not the additionalUnit of POSITION and ( any of the following conditions is true : - getUnteresStaffelgewicht( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) of REFDATA is more than plausi helpers.divide( the netMass of POSITION , the additionalUnit of POSITION , 3 , 1 ) - getOberesStaffelgewicht( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) of REFDATA is less than plausi helpers.divide( the netMass of POSITION , the additionalUnit of POSITION , 3 , 1 ) , ) then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_statistics' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_additionalUnit' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R131b Staffelgewichtscode Zusatzmenge 0
Wenn Staffelgewichtscode = 2 (Verhältnis Eigenmasse/Zusatzmenge) gem. Stammdaten vorgesehen und Richtigcode Zusatzmenge ="0, dann darf Zusatzmenge nicht 0 sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position where true is not this position is zusatz abgabe ac9 ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if 'the var_additionalUnitConfirmation_1' is not the additonalUnitConfirmation of POSITION and 'the var_Staffelgewichtscode_2' is getStaffelgewichtscode( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) of REFDATA and the additionalUnit of POSITION isNotNull and 0 is the additionalUnit of POSITION then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_statistics' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_additionalUnit' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R132a Packstuecke
Wenn der Verpackungscode NE, IN, VG, VL, VO, VQ, VR, VS oder VY ist, dann muss der Wert des Felds "Anzahl Packstücke" leer oder "0" sein. Das Feld "Zeichen Packstücke" ist optional.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position where this position is zusatz abgabe ac9 is false ; set 'PACKAGING' to a packaging where the positions nr of this packaging equals the positions nr of POSITION ; if the packagingType of PACKAGING is one of { "NE" , "IN" , "VG" , "VL" , "VO" , "VQ" , "VR" , "VS" , "VY" } and ( none of the following conditions are true : - the quantity of PACKAGING isNull - "0" is the quantity of PACKAGING - 'the helper_def_empty_String' is the quantity of PACKAGING , ) then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_statistics' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_packaging' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R132c Packstuecke
Wenn der Verpackungscode nicht gleich NE, IN, VG, VL, VO, VQ, VR, VY, VS ist, dann darf das Feld "Zeichen (Nummer)Packstücke" nicht leer sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position where false is this position is zusatz abgabe ac9 ; set 'PACKAGING' to a packaging where the positions nr of this packaging equals the positions nr of POSITION ; if the packagingType of PACKAGING is not one of { "NE" , "IN" , "VG" , "VL" , "VO" , "VQ" , "VR" , "VY" , "VS" } and ( any of the following conditions is true : - the packagingReference of PACKAGING isNull - 'the helper_def_empty_String' is the packagingReference of PACKAGING , ) then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_statistics' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_packaging' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R133a Zollansatz ohne Richtigcode
Wenn der Zollansatz gesetzt ist, muss der Richtigcode Zollansatz gesetzt sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position where the customsClearanceType of this position is not one of { 'the var_customsClearanceType_Rueckwaren_gemaess_Zollrecht_10' , 'the var_customsClearanceType_Rueckwaren_gemaess_Zoll_MWST_Recht_11' , 'the var_customsClearanceType_AbgabeFrei_8' } and false is this position is zusatz abgabe ac9 ; if ( the rate of POSITION isNotNull and any of the following conditions is true : - the rateConfirmation of POSITION isNull - "0" is the rateConfirmation of POSITION , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - the rate of POSITION isNull - "1" is the rateConfirmation of POSITION , ) then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_statistics' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_valuation_rate' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R133b Zollansatz eindeutig
Wenn der Veranlagungstyp nicht 8, 10 oder 11 und der Zollansatz fuer eine Warennummer, ein Ursprungsland, einen Zolbeguenstigungscode und eine Praeferenz nicht eindeutig ist gem. Stammdaten, muss er angegeben werden.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position where the customsClearanceType of this position is not one of { 'the var_customsClearanceType_Rueckwaren_gemaess_Zollrecht_10' , 'the var_customsClearanceType_Rueckwaren_gemaess_Zoll_MWST_Recht_11' , 'the var_customsClearanceType_AbgabeFrei_8' } and true is not this position is zusatz abgabe ac9 ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if the rate of POSITION isNull and REFDATA .checkRefIsZollansatzUnique( the commodityCode of POSITION , the originCountry of POSITION , the customsFavourCode of POSITION , the preference of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) is false then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_statistics' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_valuation_rate' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R134a Bewilligungspflicht 0
Wenn die Rohmasse grösser Toleranzmenge und die Bewilligungspflicht (permitObligation) = 0 (nicht bewilligungspflichtig) ist und es existiert einen Bewilligungspflicht gemäss den Stammdaten, dann schlägt die Regel an. Jedoch nur, wenn der Veranlagungsort nicht 3 oder 4 (Erfassung ab Einheitsdokument oder von Amtes wegen ist)
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header where ( all of the following conditions are true : - 'the var_clearanceLocation_Erfassung_ab_Einheitsdokument_3' is not the clearancelocation of this header - 'the var_clearanceLocation_Veranlagung_von_Amtes_wegen_4' is not the clearancelocation of this header , ) ; set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if getSummOfGrossMass( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) of HEADER isNotNull and getToleranzMenge( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION , the originCountry of POSITION ) of REFDATA isNotNull and getSummOfGrossMass( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) of HEADER is more than getToleranzMenge( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION , the originCountry of POSITION ) of REFDATA and 'the var_permitObligation_nicht_bewilligungspflichtig_0' is the permitObligation of POSITION and getBewilligungObligatorisch( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION , the originCountry of POSITION ) of REFDATA isNotNull then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_statistics' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_permitObligation' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R134b Bewilligungspflicht 2
Wenn die Rohmasse grösser Toleranzmenge und die Bewilligungspflicht (permitObligation) = 2 (bewilliungsfrei) ist und es existiert gemäss Stammdaten keine Bewilliungsfreiheit, dann schlägt die Regel an.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if getSummOfGrossMass( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) of HEADER isNotNull and getToleranzMenge( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION , the originCountry of POSITION ) of REFDATA isNotNull and getSummOfGrossMass( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) of HEADER is more than getToleranzMenge( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION , the originCountry of POSITION ) of REFDATA and 'the var_permitObligation_bewilligungsfrei_gemaess_Deklarant_2' is the permitObligation of POSITION and "1" is not getBewilligungObligatorisch( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION , the originCountry of POSITION ) of REFDATA then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_statistics' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_permitObligation' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R134c Obligatorische Bewilligunsstellencodes
Wenn die Rohmasse grösser Toleranzmenge und die Bewilligungspflicht (permitObligation) = 2 (bewilliungsfrei) ist und es existiert gemäss Stammdaten keine Bewilliungsfreiheit, dann schlägt die Regel an.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if getSummOfGrossMass( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) of HEADER isNotNull and getToleranzMenge( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION , the originCountry of POSITION ) of REFDATA isNotNull and getSummOfGrossMass( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) of HEADER is more than getToleranzMenge( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION , the originCountry of POSITION ) of REFDATA and "0" is getBewilligungObligatorisch( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION , the originCountry of POSITION ) of REFDATA and plausi helpers.containsAll( REFDATA .getObligatorischeBewilligungsstellencodes( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION , the originCountry of POSITION ) , the permitAuthorities of POSITION ) is false then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_statistics' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_permit' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R135 Bewilligungspflichtcode 1
Wenn der Bewilligungspflichtcode gleich 1 ist, dann muss der Bewilligungstyp, -stellencode und die Bewilligungsnummer angegeben sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; if the permitObligation of POSITION isNotNull and 'the var_permitObligation_bewilligungspflichtig_1' is the permitObligation of POSITION and isBewilligungsTypAndNumberAndStellenCodeInList( null string , null string , null string ) of POSITION is false then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_permit' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_permit' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R137 Bewilligung 6 2
Wenn die Zusatzabgabenart 280 und der Zusatzabgabenschlüssel 200 gesetzt sind, muss der Bewilligungstyp 6, der Bewilligungsstellencode 2 und die Bewilligungsnummer angegeben werden.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'ADDITONALTAX' to an additional tax where the positions nr of this additional tax is the positions nr of POSITION ; if 'the var_additionalTaxType_Monopolgebuehren_280' is the type of ADDITONALTAX and 'the var_additionalTaxKey_200' is the key of ADDITONALTAX and isBewilligungsTypAndNumberAndStellenCodeInList( 'the var_permitType_Verpflichtung_6' , null string , "2" ) of POSITION is false then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_permit' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_permit' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R138 Bewilligung 6 97
Wenn die Zusatzabgabenart 700 und der Zusatzabgabenschlüssel 002 gesetzt sind, muss der Bewilligungstyp 6, der Bewilligungsstellencode 97 und die Bewilligungsnummer angegeben werden
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'ADDITONALTAX' to an additional tax where the positions nr of this additional tax is the positions nr of POSITION ; if 'the var_addtionalTaxType_Lenkungsabgabe_VOC_700' is the type of ADDITONALTAX and 'the var_additionalTaxKey_002' is the key of ADDITONALTAX and isBewilligungsTypAndNumberAndStellenCodeInList( 'the var_permitType_Verpflichtung_6' , null string , "97" ) of POSITION is false then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_permit' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_permit' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R140a Bewilligung 2
Wenn der Verarbeitungscode ungleich 00, 05, 06, 18, 90, 01 oder 04 ist und die Rohmasse grösser als der Toleranzwert ist, muss der Bewilligungstyp 2, die Bewilligungsstelle und die Bewilligungsnummer angegeben werden.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if the grossMass of POSITION isNotNull and getToleranzMenge( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION , the originCountry of POSITION ) of REFDATA isNotNull and ( all of the following conditions are true : - REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) isNotNull - REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) is not one of { 0 , 5 , 6 , 18 , 90 , 1 , 4 } - the grossMass of POSITION is more than getToleranzMenge( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION , the originCountry of POSITION ) of REFDATA - isBewilligungsTypAndNumberAndStellenCodeInList( 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' , null string , null string ) of POSITION is false , ) then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_permit' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_permit' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R140b Bewilligung 3
Wenn der Verarbeitungscode gleich 01 oder 04 und die Rohmasse grösser als der Toleranzwert ist, muss der Bewilligungstyp 3, die Bewilligungsstelle und die Bewilligungsnummer angegeben werden.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if the grossMass of POSITION isNotNull and getToleranzMenge( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION , the originCountry of POSITION ) of REFDATA isNotNull and all of the following conditions are true : - REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) is one of { 1 , 4 } - the grossMass of POSITION is more than getToleranzMenge( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION , the originCountry of POSITION ) of REFDATA - isBewilligungsTypAndNumberAndStellenCodeInList( 'the var_permitType_Generallizenz_3' , null string , null string ) of POSITION is false , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_permit' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_permit' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R141 Bewilligung 7 96
Wenn der Lagercode 2, 3, 4 oder 5 ist, muss der Bewilligungstyp 7, der Bewilligungsstellencode 96 und die Bewilligungsnummer angegeben werden.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; if the storageType of POSITION is one of { "2" , "3" , "4" , "5" } and isBewilligungsTypAndNumberAndStellenCodeInList( 'the var_permitType_BewilligungPeriodischeSteueranmeldung_7' , null string , 'the var_permitAuthority_EZVMinOest_96' ) of POSITION is false then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_permit' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_permit' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R142 Bewilligung 8 96
Wenn der Lagercode 1 oder 2 und der ZB-Typ 5 ist, muss der Bewilligungstyp 8, der Bewilligungsstellencode 96 und die Bewilligungsnummer angegeben werden.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if the storageType of POSITION is one of { "1" , "2" } and "5" is REFDATA .getZBTypCode( the commodityCode of POSITION ) and isBewilligungsTypAndNumberAndStellenCodeInList( 'the var_permitType_besoVerpflichtungMinoest_8' , null string , 'the var_permitAuthority_EZVMinOest_96' ) of POSITION is false then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_permit' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_permit' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R144a NZE-Pflicht 0
Gueltiger NZE-Pflichtcode: Pflichtcode 0 (ohne Kontrolle) nur moeglich, wenn weder fakultative noch obligatorische NZE-Artencodes in Stammdaten existieren.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header where all of the following conditions are true : - 'the var_clearanceLocation_Erfassung_ab_Einheitsdokument_3' is not the clearancelocation of this header - 'the var_clearanceLocation_Veranlagung_von_Amtes_wegen_4' is not the clearancelocation of this header , ; set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if "0" is the nonCustomsLawObligation of POSITION and any of the following conditions is true : - 0 is less than the number of elements in getNZEObliArtenCodes( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION , the originCountry of POSITION ) of REFDATA - 0 is less than the number of elements in getNZEFakultativArtenCodes( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION , the originCountry of POSITION ) of REFDATA , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_non_customs_law' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_nonCustomsLawObligation' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R144b NZE-Pflicht 2
Gültiger NZE-Pflichtcode: Pflichtcode 2 (ohne Kontrolle gem. Deklarant) nur möglich, wenn fakultative NZE-Artencodes in Stammdaten existieren
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if "2" is the nonCustomsLawObligation of POSITION and the number of elements in getNZEFakultativArtenCodes( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION , the originCountry of POSITION ) of REFDATA is at most 0 then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_permit' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_nonCustomsLawObligation' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R144c NZE-Pflicht 0 oder 2
Wenn NZE-Pflichtcode 0 (ohne Kontrolle) oder NZE-Pflichtcode 2 (ohne Kontrolle gemäss Deklarant), dann dürfen NZE nicht angemeldet werden.ieren
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; if the nonCustomsLawObligation of POSITION is one of { "0" , "2" } and the number of elements in the nonCustomsLawTypes of POSITION is at least 1 then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_permit' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_nonCustomsLawObligation' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R145a Lagercode 1 oder 2
Wenn der Lagercode 1 oder 2, dann muss mind. eine Zusatzabgabenart im Bereich 600-640, oder 743 deklariert werden
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; if the storageType of POSITION is one of { "1" , "2" } and any of the following conditions is true : - POSITION has any additionalTaxes is false - ( POSITION .isAtLeastOneZusatzabgabeArtInRange( 'the var_additionalTaxType_MineralOelSteuer_600' , 'the var_additionalTaxType_MineralOelSteuer_Brennstoffe_AndereMinaralOel_Produkte_640' ) is false and 'the var_additionalTaxType_CO2_Abgabe_KohlePetrolkoks_743' is not one of the additionalTaxTypes of POSITION ) , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_additional_tax' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_storageType' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_additionalTax' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R145b Lagercode 3-5
Wenn der Lagercode 3,4 oder 5, dann darf keine Zusatzabgabenart 600-640, 710, 720, 730 oder 740-743 deklariert werden.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'ADDITIONALTAX' to an additional tax where the positions nr of this additional tax is the positions nr of POSITION ; if the storageType of POSITION is one of { "3" , "4" , "5" } and any of the following conditions is true : - POSITION .isAtLeastOneZusatzabgabeArtInRange( 'the var_additionalTaxType_MineralOelSteuer_600' , 'the var_additionalTaxType_MineralOelSteuer_Brennstoffe_AndereMinaralOel_Produkte_640' ) is true - the type of ADDITIONALTAX is one of { 'the var_additionalTaxType_710' , 'the var_additionalTaxType_720' , 'the var_additionalTaxType_730' , 'the var_additionalTaxType_CO2_Abgabe_Heizoel_740' , 'the var_additionalTaxType_CO2_Abgabe_Erdgas_741' , 'the var_additionalTaxType_CO2_Abgabe_Andere_MineralOele_742' , 'the var_additionalTaxType_CO2_Abgabe_KohlePetrolkoks_743' } , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_additional_tax' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_storageType' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_additionalTax' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R146 Bemessungscode 11
Wenn der Bemessungsgrundlagencode 11 ist, dann muessen Zusatzabgabenart und -schluessel gesetzt und die Menge gleich Rohmasse sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position where the grossMass of this position isNotNull ; set 'ADDITONALTAX' to an additional tax where the positions nr of this additional tax is the positions nr of POSITION ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if true is not ( the key of ADDITONALTAX isNotNull and the key of ADDITONALTAX is not one of REFDATA .getRefZusatzabgabenSchluessel( the type of ADDITONALTAX ) ) and true is not ( "9999.9999" is not the commodityCode of POSITION and checkRefTarifNumber of REFDATA with the commodityCode of POSITION is false ) and true is not ( "9999.9999" is not the commodityCode of POSITION and the statisticalCode of POSITION is not one of getRefTarifKeyNumber( the commodityCode of POSITION ) of REFDATA ) and the type of ADDITONALTAX is not one of { 'the var_additionalTaxType_Vorgezogene_EntsorgungsGebuehr_GetraenkeVerpackung_Glas_970' , 'the var_additionalTaxType_TabakSteuer_450' , 'the var_additionalTaxType__SOTA_Gebuehren_465' , 'the var_additionalTaxTypeTabakpraeventionsfonds_470' , 'the var_additionalTaxType_Banderolensteuer_460' , 'the var_additionalTaxType_Biersteuer_480' } and "11" is getBemessungsCodeZusatzabgabe( the type of ADDITONALTAX , the key of ADDITONALTAX ) of REFDATA and ( the grossMass of POSITION isNotNull and the quantity of ADDITONALTAX isNotNull and the grossMass of POSITION is not the quantity of ADDITONALTAX ) then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_reference_data' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_additionalTax' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R147 Bemessungscode 24
Wenn der Bemessungsgrundlagencode 24 ist, dann muessen Zusatzabgabenart und -schluessel gesetzt sein, die Menge muss gleich Eigenmasse sein und die Volumentprozent duerfen nicht gesetzt sein
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'ADDITONALTAX' to an additional tax where the positions nr of POSITION is the positions nr of this additional tax ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if true is not ( the key of ADDITONALTAX isNotNull and the key of ADDITONALTAX is not one of REFDATA .getRefZusatzabgabenSchluessel( the type of ADDITONALTAX ) ) and true is not ( "9999.9999" is not the commodityCode of POSITION and true is not checkRefTarifNumber of REFDATA with the commodityCode of POSITION ) and true is not ( the statisticalCode of POSITION is not one of getRefTarifKeyNumber( the commodityCode of POSITION ) of REFDATA and "9999.9999" is not the commodityCode of POSITION ) and the type of ADDITONALTAX is not one of { 'the var_additionalTaxType_Vorgezogene_EntsorgungsGebuehr_GetraenkeVerpackung_Glas_970' , 'the var_additionalTaxType_TabakSteuer_450' , 'the var_additionalTaxType__SOTA_Gebuehren_465' , 'the var_additionalTaxTypeTabakpraeventionsfonds_470' , 'the var_additionalTaxType_Banderolensteuer_460' , 'the var_additionalTaxType_Biersteuer_480' } and "24" is getBemessungsCodeZusatzabgabe( the type of ADDITONALTAX , the key of ADDITONALTAX ) of REFDATA and the quantity of ADDITONALTAX isNotNull and the netMass of POSITION isNotNull and the quantity of ADDITONALTAX is not the netMass of POSITION then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of ADDITONALTAX , "1" , 'the check_additional_tax' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_additionalTax' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R148 Bemessungscode 12 bis 23
Wenn der Bemessungsgrundlagencode zwischen 12 und 23 ist, dann muessen Zusatzabgabenart und -schluessel gesetzt sein, die Menge muss gleich Zusatzmenge sein und die Volumentprozent duerfen nicht gesetzt sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'ADDITONALTAX' to an additional tax where the positions nr of this additional tax is the positions nr of POSITION ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if "9999.9999" is not the commodityCode of POSITION and ( all of the following conditions are true : - the commodityCode of POSITION checkRefTarifNr is true - the statisticalCode of POSITION is one of getRefTarifKeyNumber( the commodityCode of POSITION ) of REFDATA , ) and ( all of the following conditions are true : - the type of ADDITONALTAX isNotNull - the key of ADDITONALTAX is one of REFDATA .getRefZusatzabgabenSchluessel( the type of ADDITONALTAX ) , ) and ( all of the following conditions are true : - the type of ADDITONALTAX is not one of { 'the var_additionalTaxType_Vorgezogene_EntsorgungsGebuehr_GetraenkeVerpackung_Glas_970' , 'the var_additionalTaxType_TabakSteuer_450' , 'the var_additionalTaxType__SOTA_Gebuehren_465' , 'the var_additionalTaxTypeTabakpraeventionsfonds_470' , 'the var_additionalTaxType_Banderolensteuer_460' , 'the var_additionalTaxType_Biersteuer_480' } - ( getBemessungsCodeZusatzabgabe( the type of ADDITONALTAX , the key of ADDITONALTAX ) of REFDATA isNotNull and getBemessungsCodeZusatzabgabe( the type of ADDITONALTAX , the key of ADDITONALTAX ) of REFDATA is one of { "12" , "13" , "14" , "15" , "16" , "17" , "18" , "19" , "20" , "22" , "23" } ) - ( the quantity of ADDITONALTAX isNotNull and the additionalUnit of POSITION isNotNull and the quantity of ADDITONALTAX is not the additionalUnit of POSITION ) , ) then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_reference_data' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_additionalTax' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R149a Zusatzabgaben vollstaendig
Wenn Zusatzabgaben angegeben werden, muss die Art, die Menge und der Schluessel angegeben sein.
definitions set 'ADDITIONALTAX' to an additional tax ; if ( any of the following conditions is true : - the type of ADDITIONALTAX isNotNull - ( the quantity of ADDITIONALTAX isNotNull and 0 is not the quantity of ADDITIONALTAX ) - the key of ADDITIONALTAX isNotNull , ) and ( any of the following conditions is true : - the type of ADDITIONALTAX isNull - ( the quantity of ADDITIONALTAX isNull or 0 is the quantity of ADDITIONALTAX ) - the key of ADDITIONALTAX isNull , ) then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of ADDITIONALTAX , "1" , 'the check_additional_tax' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of ADDITIONALTAX , 'the ref_goodsItem_additionalTax' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R149b Zusatzabgabenart 280
Wenn die Zusatzabgabenart 280 ist, dann muss Volumenprozent gesetzt sein
definitions set 'ADDITIONALTAX' to an additional tax ; if 'the var_additionalTaxType_Monopolgebuehren_280' is the type of ADDITIONALTAX and any of the following conditions is true : - the alcoholLevel of ADDITIONALTAX isNull - 0 is the alcoholLevel of ADDITIONALTAX , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of ADDITIONALTAX , "1" , 'the check_additional_tax' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of ADDITIONALTAX , 'the ref_goodsItem_additionalTax' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R149c Zusatzabgabenart ohne Volumenpronzente
Wenn die Zusatzabgabenart gleich 290, 450, 460, 465, 470, 480, 600-640, 660, 700, 710, 720, 730, 790 oder 970 ist, dann darf Volumenprozent nicht angemeldet werden.
definitions set 'ADDITIONALTAX' to an additional tax ; if ( the type of ADDITIONALTAX is one of { 'the var_additionalTaxType_Grenztieraerztliche_Untersuchungsgebuehren_290' , 'the var_additionalTaxType_TabakSteuer_450' , 'the var_additionalTaxType_Banderolensteuer_460' , 'the var_additionalTaxType__SOTA_Gebuehren_465' , 'the var_additionalTaxTypeTabakpraeventionsfonds_470' , 'the var_additionalTaxType_Biersteuer_480' , 'the var_additionalTaxType_Automobilsteuer_660' , 'the var_addtionalTaxType_Lenkungsabgabe_VOC_700' , 'the var_additionalTaxType_710' , 'the var_additionalTaxType_720' , 'the var_additionalTaxType_730' , 'the var_additionalTaxType_790' , 'the var_additionalTaxType_Vorgezogene_EntsorgungsGebuehr_GetraenkeVerpackung_Glas_970' } or the type of ADDITIONALTAX is between 'the var_additionalTaxType_MineralOelSteuer_600' and 'the var_additionalTaxType_MineralOelSteuer_Brennstoffe_AndereMinaralOel_Produkte_640' ) and ( the alcoholLevel of ADDITIONALTAX isNotNull and 0 is not the alcoholLevel of ADDITIONALTAX ) then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of ADDITIONALTAX , "1" , 'the check_additional_tax' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of ADDITIONALTAX , 'the ref_goodsItem_additionalTax' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R150 Zusatzabgabenart 700
Wenn die Zusatzabgabenart 700 und die Eigenmasse angegeben ist, dann muss die Zusatzabgabenmenge kleiner oder gleich der Eigenmasse sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'ROUNDED_NETMASS' to plausi helpers.roundUp( the netMass of POSITION , 1 ) ; if POSITION has any additionalTaxes is true and 'the var_addtionalTaxType_Lenkungsabgabe_VOC_700' is one of the additionalTaxTypes of POSITION and the netMass of POSITION isNotNull and 0 is not the netMass of POSITION and POSITION .getZusatzabgabenmengeProArt( 'the var_addtionalTaxType_Lenkungsabgabe_VOC_700' ) isNotNull and POSITION .getZusatzabgabenmengeProArt( 'the var_addtionalTaxType_Lenkungsabgabe_VOC_700' ) is more than ROUNDED_NETMASS then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_additional_tax' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_additionalTax' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R151 Zusatzabgabenart 280
WENN Zusatzabgabenart 280 (MG) UND Zusatzmenge verwendet DANN Summe der Zusatzabgabenmenge aller 280 pro Tarifzeile gleich gross wie Zusatzmenge der Tarifzeile
1. Es werden nur die ganzen Beträge miteinander vergliche, die Nachkommastellen werden weggelassen. 2. Gewährung einer Toleranz von -5 Einheiten bzw. + 5 Einheiten
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; if POSITION has any additionalTaxes is true and 'the var_additionalTaxType_Monopolgebuehren_280' is one of the additionalTaxTypes of POSITION and the additionalUnit of POSITION isNotNull and 0 is not the additionalUnit of POSITION and POSITION .getZusatzabgabenmengeProArt( 'the var_additionalTaxType_Monopolgebuehren_280' ) isNotNull and ( POSITION .getZusatzabgabenmengeProArt( 'the var_additionalTaxType_Monopolgebuehren_280' ) is less than ( the additionalUnit of POSITION - 5 ) or POSITION .getZusatzabgabenmengeProArt( 'the var_additionalTaxType_Monopolgebuehren_280' ) is more than ( the additionalUnit of POSITION + 5 ) ) then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_additional_tax' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_additionalTax' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R152 Gebuehren vollstaendig
Wenn eine Gebuehr angegeben ist, dann muss die Art, die Menge und der Ansatz angegeben sein.
definitions set 'FEE' to a fee ; if ( any of the following conditions is true : - the type of FEE isNotNull - ( the quantity of FEE isNotNull and 0 is not the quantity of FEE ) - ( the rate of FEE isNotNull and ZERO is not the rate of FEE ) , ) and ( any of the following conditions is true : - the type of FEE isNull - the quantity of FEE isNull - 0 is the quantity of FEE - the rate of FEE isNull - ZERO is the rate of FEE , ) then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of FEE , "1" , 'the check_fee' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of FEE , 'the ref_goodsItem_fee' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R156 Lagercode
Wenn der Lagercode gem. Stammdaten erforderlich ist, dann muss der Lagercode angegeben sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if REFDATA .isLagercodeNecessary( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) is true and the storageType of POSITION is not one of { "1" , "2" , "3" , "4" , "5" } then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_mineral_oil_tax' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_storageType' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R158 Unterlagen bei Praeferenz
Wenn die Praeferenz gleich 1 ist, muss entweder der Unterlagencode 3, 861, 862, 865, 866 oder 954 angegeben sein
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; if "1" is the preference of POSITION and all of the following conditions are true : - 'the var_documentType_Qualitaetzeugnis_3' is one of the documentTypes of POSITION is false - 'the var_documentType_861_Ursprungszeugnis' is one of the documentTypes of POSITION is false - 'the var_documentType_862_Ursprungserklaerung' is one of the documentTypes of POSITION is false - 'the var_documentType_APS-Ursprungszeugnis_865' is one of the documentTypes of POSITION is false - 'the var_documentType_Statement_on_Origin_866' is one of the documentTypes of POSITION is false - 'the var_documentType_EUR1_Warenverkehrsbescheinigung_954' is one of the documentTypes of POSITION is false , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_origin' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_producedDocument' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R158 Unterlagen bei Praeferenz_old
Wenn die Praeferenz gleich 1 ist, muss entweder der Unterlagencode 3, 861, 862, 865 oder 954 angegeben sein
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; if "1" is the preference of POSITION and all of the following conditions are true : - 'the var_documentType_Qualitaetzeugnis_3' is one of the documentTypes of POSITION is false - 'the var_documentType_861_Ursprungszeugnis' is one of the documentTypes of POSITION is false - 'the var_documentType_862_Ursprungserklaerung' is one of the documentTypes of POSITION is false - 'the var_documentType_APS-Ursprungszeugnis_865' is one of the documentTypes of POSITION is false - 'the var_documentType_EUR1_Warenverkehrsbescheinigung_954' is one of the documentTypes of POSITION is false , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_origin' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_producedDocument' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R159 Nettoveranlagung Zollnettogewicht
Wenn die Nettoveranlagung gleich 1 ist, dann muss das Zollnettogewicht angegeben sein
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; if "1" is the netDuty of POSITION and any of the following conditions is true : - the customsNetWeight of POSITION isNull - 0 is the customsNetWeight of POSITION , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_net_duty' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_customsNetWeight' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R160 Nettogewicht Eigenmasse
Das Nettogewicht muss groesser oder gleich der Eigenmasse sein und muss kleiner oder gleich der Rohmasse sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; if all of the following conditions are true : - the netMass of POSITION isNotNull - the customsNetWeight of POSITION isNotNull - getEineNachkommastelle( the customsNetWeight of POSITION ) of POSITION isNotNull - getEineNachkommastelle( the netMass of POSITION ) of POSITION isNotNull - ( getEineNachkommastelle( the customsNetWeight of POSITION ) of POSITION is less than getEineNachkommastelle( the netMass of POSITION ) of POSITION or the grossMass of POSITION is less than the customsNetWeight of POSITION ) , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_net_duty' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_customsNetWeight' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R161 Nettoverzollung Tarazuschlag
Bei Nettoveranlagung muss der Tarazuschlag TZ, sofern er nicht eindeutig ist, übermittelt und mit dem Richtigcode TZ bestätigt werden. Wird keine Nettoveranlagung beantragt, darf der TZ nicht übermittelt werden.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if any of the following conditions is true : - ( the tareSupplement of POSITION isNotNull and "1" is not the tareSupplementConfirmation of POSITION ) - ( the tareSupplement of POSITION isNull and "1" is the tareSupplementConfirmation of POSITION ) - ( the tareSupplement of POSITION isNotNull and "1" is not the netDuty of POSITION ) - ( the tareSupplement of POSITION isNull and "1" is the netDuty of POSITION and 1 is not the number of elements in REFDATA .getTarazuschlaege( the commodityCode of POSITION ) ) , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_net_duty' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_valuation_tareSupplement' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R162 SC1 nicht erlaubte Angaben
Bei Abfertigungstyp 1 darf der Zollbeguenstigungscode und nicht angegeben und die Warennummer nicht 9999.9999 sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position where 'the var_repair_no' is the repair of this position and 'the var_customsClearanceType_Normalveranlagung_1' is the customsClearanceType of this position ; if any of the following conditions is true : - ( the customsFavourCode of POSITION isNotNull and "0" is not the customsFavourCode of POSITION ) - 'the var_Mustersendung_9999_9999' is the commodityCode of POSITION , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific1' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_statistic_customsClearanceType' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R163 Detail ID und Postition
Die Detail-ID muss pro Zollanmeldung und Version eindeutig vergeben sein und es muss mindestens eine Position vorhanden sein.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; set 'POSITION' to a position ; if ( the detail ID of POSITION isNull or 'the helper_def_Space_String' is the detail ID of POSITION ) or ( 'the var_correctionCode_Erstuebermittlung_1' is the correctionCode of HEADER and false is detail IDs are unique of HEADER ) or ( 'the var_correctionCode_Korrektur_2' is the correctionCode of HEADER and true is is correction from declarant of HEADER and false is detail IDs are unique of HEADER ) then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_detail_cross' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_traderItemID' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R165 Veranlagungstyp
Wenn der Veranlagungstyp 11 angemeldet ist, duerfen Veranlagungstypen 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 oder 10 nicht verwendet werden.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; set 'POSITION' to a position ; if ( any of the following conditions is true : - 'the var_customsClearanceType_Rueckwaren_gemaess_Zoll_MWST_Recht_11' is the customsClearanceType of POSITION , ) and the number of elements in the abfertigungs typens of HEADER is more than 1 then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_detail_cross' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_statistic_customsClearanceType' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R166 Begruendung Praeferenz
Wenn die Begruendung 1,2,3 oder 4 ist, dann muss die Praeferenz 0 sein.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; set 'POSITION' to a position ; if ( any of the following conditions is true : - 'the var_reason_Ursprungsnachweis_Laender_EU_1' is the reason of HEADER - 'the var_reason_Ursprungsnachweis_Laender_EFTA_2' is the reason of HEADER - 'the var_reason_Ursprungsnachweis_Laender_aFHA_3' is the reason of HEADER - 'the var_reason_Ursprungsnachweis_Entwicklungslaender_4' is the reason of HEADER , ) and "0" is not the preference of POSITION then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_detail_cross' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_origin_preference' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_reason' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R167 Direktbefoerderung
Kontrolle der Direktbefoerderungsklausel bei Praeferenzabfertigung.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if ( all of the following conditions are true : - "1" is the preference of POSITION - the originCountry of POSITION is not the dispatchCountry of HEADER - 1 is at most the number of elements in getDirektbefoerderungForZollansatz( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION , the originCountry of POSITION , "PR" , "J" ) of REFDATA , ) then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_general_cross' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_origin_preference' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R167c Direktversand Praeferenzveranlagung Ueberseeabkommen
Wenn der Richtigcode Erzeugungsland = 0 oder null (nicht gesetzt) und TN > 2500.0000 und < 9999.9999 Praeferenzcode = 1 und Ursprungsland eines von (KR, CA, MX, BW, LS, NA, SZ, ZA, CL, SG, JP, PE, CO, HK, UA, CN, BH, QA, KW, OM, SA, AE) und das Erzeugungsland nicht dem Ursprungsland entspricht, dann Fehler
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; set 'POSITION' to a position ; if ( the correctionCodeDispatchCountry of HEADER isNull or "0" is the correctionCodeDispatchCountry of HEADER or "" is the correctionCodeDispatchCountry of HEADER ) and plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the commodityCode of POSITION , "2500.0000" , "9999.9999" ) and 'the var_preference_yes_1' is the preference of POSITION and the originCountry of POSITION is one of { "KR" , "CA" , "MX" , "BW" , "LS" , "NA" , "SZ" , "ZA" , "CL" , "SG" , "JP" , "PE" , "CO" , "HK" , "UA" , "CN" , "BH" , "QA" , "KW" , "OM" , "SA" , "AE" } and the dispatchCountry of HEADER is not the originCountry of POSITION then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_general_cross' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_origin_country' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_dispatchCountry' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R167c Direktversand Praeferenzveranlagung Ueberseeabkommen_old
Wenn der Richtigcode Erzeugungsland = 0 oder null (nicht gesetzt) und TN > 2500.0000 und < 9999.9999 Praeferenzcode = 1 und Ursprungsland eines von (KR, CA, MX, BW, LS, NA, SZ, ZA, CL, SG, JP, PE, CO, HK, UA, CN, BH, QA, KW, OM, SA, AE, BA) und das Erzeugungsland nicht dem Ursprungsland entspricht, dann Fehler
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; set 'POSITION' to a position ; if ( the correctionCodeDispatchCountry of HEADER isNull or "0" is the correctionCodeDispatchCountry of HEADER or "" is the correctionCodeDispatchCountry of HEADER ) and plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the commodityCode of POSITION , "2500.0000" , "9999.9999" ) and 'the var_preference_yes_1' is the preference of POSITION and the originCountry of POSITION is one of { "KR" , "CA" , "MX" , "BW" , "LS" , "NA" , "SZ" , "ZA" , "CL" , "SG" , "JP" , "PE" , "CO" , "HK" , "UA" , "CN" , "BH" , "QA" , "KW" , "OM" , "SA" , "AE" , "BA" } and the dispatchCountry of HEADER is not the originCountry of POSITION then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_general_cross' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_origin_country' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_dispatchCountry' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R168 Verlagerungsverfahren
Wenn der MWSt-Code gleich 90 (Verlagerungsverfahren) oder 91 (Veredelungsverkehr) ist, dann muss die MWSt-Nummer angegeben sein, sonst ist die Nummer optional.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; set 'POSITION' to a position ; if ( any of the following conditions is true : - 'the var_VATCode_Verlagerungsverfahren_MWST_90' is the VATCode of POSITION - 'the var_VATCode_Lohnveredelung_im_Nichterhebungsverfahren_MWST_91' is the VATCode of POSITION , ) and ( any of the following conditions is true : - the VATNumber of HEADER isNull - 'the helper_def_empty_String' is the VATNumber of HEADER - 'the helper_def_Space_String' is the VATNumber of HEADER , ) then 'the result' .setHeaderError( "1" , 'the check_general_cross' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( 'the ref_business_VATNumber' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R170a NZE-Pflicht 1
Wenn der NZE-Pflichtcode 1 ist, muss der NZE-Artencode angegeben sein
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header where 'the var_clearanceLocation_Erfassung_ab_Einheitsdokument_3' is not the clearancelocation of this header and 'the var_clearanceLocation_Veranlagung_von_Amtes_wegen_4' is not the clearancelocation of this header ; set 'POSITION' to a position ; if 'the var_nonCustomsLawObligation_mit_Kontrolle_vor_Freigabe_1' is the nonCustomsLawObligation of POSITION and 1 is more than the number of elements in the nonCustomsLawTypes of POSITION then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_non_customs_law' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_nonCustomsLaw' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R170b NZE-Artencodes obligatorisch
Wenn NZE-Artencode gem. Stammdaten obligatorisch, dann muessen die entsprechenden Artencodes angegeben sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'HEADER' to a header where 'the var_clearanceLocation_Erfassung_ab_Einheitsdokument_3' is not the clearancelocation of this header and 'the var_clearanceLocation_Veranlagung_von_Amtes_wegen_4' is not the clearancelocation of this header ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if plausi helpers.containsAll( getNZEObliArtenCodes( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION , the originCountry of POSITION ) of REFDATA , the nonCustomsLawTypes of POSITION ) is false then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_non_customs_law' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_nonCustomsLaw' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R171 Einfuhrzollanmeldung in Intervention
Wenn die Einfuhrzollanmeldung in Intervention ist, dann darf kein Berichtigungscode 0 oder 2 gesetzt sein.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header where the statusOfDeclaration of this header isNotNull ; if 'the var_correctionCode_Erstuebermittlung_1' is not the correctionCode of HEADER and "in Intervention" is the statusOfDeclaration of HEADER then 'the result' .setHeaderError( "1" , 'the check_version' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( 'the ref_correctionCode' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R172a Zusatzabgaben obligatorisch
Wenn kein Lagercode angegeben oder Lagercode 1 oder 2 und Zusatzabgabenart -schluessel und Ursprungsland gem. Stammdaten obligatorisch sind, muss Art, Schluessel und Menge angegeben werden und fuer die angemeldete Tarifnummer und Warenschluessel gueltig sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if "9999.9999" is not the commodityCode of POSITION and checkZusatzabgabenObli( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION , the originCountry of POSITION , the additionalTaxes of POSITION ) of REFDATA is false and any of the following conditions is true : - the storageType of POSITION isNull - "1" is the storageType of POSITION - "2" is the storageType of POSITION , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_additional_tax' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_additionalTax' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R172b Zusatzabgaben obligatorisch
Wenn kein Lagercode angegeben oder Lagercode 1 oder 2 und Zusatzabgabenart -schluessel und Ursprungsland gem. Stammdaten gruppenplichtig sind, muss eine Zusatzabgabe pro Gruppe und fuer die angemeldete Tarifnummer und Warenschluessel gueltig sein
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if "9999.9999" is not the commodityCode of POSITION and REFDATA .checkZusatzabgebenGruppenpflichten( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION , the originCountry of POSITION , the additionalTaxes of POSITION ) is false and any of the following conditions is true : - the storageType of POSITION isNull - "1" is the storageType of POSITION - "2" is the storageType of POSITION , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_additional_tax' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_additionalTax' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R172c Richtigcode Zusatzabgabe obligatorisch
Wenn keine Zusatzabgaben in den Stammdaten enthalten sind und Zusatzabgaben angegeben sind, dann muss der Richtigcode für Zusatzabgabenansatz vorhanden sein
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position where this position is zusatz abgabe ac9 is false ; set 'ADDITIONALTAX' to an additional tax where the positions nr of this additional tax is the positions nr of POSITION ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if "1" is not the rateConfirmation of ADDITIONALTAX and isZusatzabgabenPreviewed( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION , the originCountry of POSITION , the type of ADDITIONALTAX , the key of ADDITIONALTAX ) of REFDATA is false then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_additional_tax' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_additionalTax' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R173 SC4 Ursprungsland
Wenn der Abfertigungstyp 10 oder 11 ist, dann muss das Ursprungsland CH sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; if "CH" is not the originCountry of POSITION and any of the following conditions is true : - 'the var_customsClearanceType_Rueckwaren_gemaess_Zollrecht_10' is the customsClearanceType of POSITION - 'the var_customsClearanceType_Rueckwaren_gemaess_Zoll_MWST_Recht_11' is the customsClearanceType of POSITION , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific4' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_statistic_customsClearanceType' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R174 SC4 Zollansatz
Wenn der Veranlagungstyp 10 oder 11 ist, dann muss der Zollansatz angegeben sein und der Richtigcode muss gesetzt sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; if ( any of the following conditions is true : - the rate of POSITION isNull - "1" is not the rateConfirmation of POSITION , ) and ( any of the following conditions is true : - 'the var_customsClearanceType_Rueckwaren_gemaess_Zollrecht_10' is the customsClearanceType of POSITION - 'the var_customsClearanceType_Rueckwaren_gemaess_Zoll_MWST_Recht_11' is the customsClearanceType of POSITION , ) then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific4' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_valuation_rate' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R175 SC4 nicht erlaubte Angaben
Bei Veranlagungstyp 10 oder 11 darf die Warennummer nicht 9999.9999 sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position where 'the var_repair_no' is the repair of this position and the customsClearanceType of this position isNotNull and the customsClearanceType of this position is one of { 'the var_customsClearanceType_Rueckwaren_gemaess_Zollrecht_10' , 'the var_customsClearanceType_Rueckwaren_gemaess_Zoll_MWST_Recht_11' } ; if any of the following conditions is true : - 'the var_Mustersendung_9999_9999' is the commodityCode of POSITION , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific4' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_statistic_customsClearanceType' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R176 nur Zollbeguenstigung moeglich
Wenn gem. Stammdaten nur Zollbeguenstigungsveranlagung moeglich, dann muss der Veranlagungstyp 5 (Zollbegünstigung), 2 (Veredelungsverkehr), 10 (Rückwaren gemäss Zollrecht) oder 11 (Rückwaren gemäss Zoll-/MWST-Recht) angegeben sein. (Da die Warennummer 9999.9999 nicht im Tarif beschrieben ist, faellt sie nicht unter diese Regeln.)
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header where all of the following conditions are true : - 'the var_clearanceLocation_Erfassung_ab_Einheitsdokument_3' is not the clearancelocation of this header - 'the var_clearanceLocation_Veranlagung_von_Amtes_wegen_4' is not the clearancelocation of this header , ; set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if "2" is REFDATA .getZBTypCode( the commodityCode of POSITION ) and 'the var_Mustersendung_9999_9999' is not the commodityCode of POSITION and the customsClearanceType of POSITION is not one of { 'the var_customsClearanceType_Veredelungsverkehr_2' , 'the var_customsClearanceType__Aussberungsverkehr_3' , 'the var_customsClearanceType_Zollerleichterung_5' , 'the var_customsClearanceType_Rueckwaren_gemaess_Zollrecht_10' , 'the var_customsClearanceType_Rueckwaren_gemaess_Zoll_MWST_Recht_11' } then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_detail_cross' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_valuation_customsFavourCode' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R177 SC5 Zollbeguenstigungscode notwendig
Wenn der Veranlagungstyp 5 ist, dann muss der Zollbeguenstigungscode angegeben sein
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position where 'the var_customsClearanceType_Zollerleichterung_5' is the customsClearanceType of this position ; if any of the following conditions is true : - the customsFavourCode of POSITION isNull - 'the helper_def_empty_String' is the customsFavourCode of POSITION - "0" is the customsFavourCode of POSITION , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific5' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_statistic_customsClearanceType' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R178 SC5 Zollbeguenstigungsart 1
Wenn der Zollbeguenstigungsartencode 1 ist, dann muss eine Bewilligung mit Typ 5 und Stelle 98 angegeben sein
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position where 'the var_customsClearanceType_Zollerleichterung_5' is the customsClearanceType of this position ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if "1" is one of REFDATA .getZBArtenCode( the commodityCode of POSITION , the customsFavourCode of POSITION ) and isBewilligungsTypAndNumberAndStellenCodeInList( 'the var_permitType_Verwendungspflichtig_5' , null string , 'the var_permitAuthority_EZV andere _Andere_98' ) of POSITION is false then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific5' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_permit' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R179 SC5 nicht erlaubte Angaben
Bei Veranlagungstyp 5 und keiner Ausbesserung darf die Warennummer nicht 9999.9999 sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position where 'the var_customsClearanceType_Zollerleichterung_5' is the customsClearanceType of this position and 'the var_repair_no' is the repair of this position ; if any of the following conditions is true : - 'the var_Mustersendung_9999_9999' is the commodityCode of POSITION , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific5' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_statistic_customsClearanceType' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R181 SC7 Zollansatz
Wenn der Veranlagungstyp 7 ist, muss der Zollansatz "0" angegeben werden
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position where 'the var_customsClearanceType_ZollfreieVeranlagung_gem_ ZG_7' is the customsClearanceType of this position ; if none of the following conditions are true : - the rate of POSITION isNull - ZERO is the rate of POSITION , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific7' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_valuation_rate' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R182 SC7 nicht erlaubte Angaben
Bei Veranlagungstyp 7 und keiner Ausbesserung duerfen Zollbeguenstigungscode und Art der Veredelung/Ausbesserung nicht angegeben werden.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position where 'the var_customsClearanceType_ZollfreieVeranlagung_gem_ ZG_7' is the customsClearanceType of this position and 'the var_repair_no' is the repair of this position ; if any of the following conditions is true : - ( the customsFavourCode of POSITION isNotNull and "0" is not the customsFavourCode of POSITION ) , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific7' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_statistic_customsClearanceType' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R183a SC8 Abgabenbefreiung
Wenn der Veranlagungstyp 8 ist, dann muss der Zollansatz 0 sein, der MWST-Code 3 und der Handelswarencode 2. Die Rohmasse und der statistische Wert muessen angegeben werden.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position where 'the var_customsClearanceType_AbgabeFrei_8' is the customsClearanceType of this position ; if any of the following conditions is true : - ( the rate of POSITION isNotNull and ZERO is not the rate of POSITION ) - 'the var_VATCode_Steuerfrei_3' is not the VATCode of POSITION - 'the var_commercialGood_Nichthandelsware_2' is not the commercialGood of POSITION - ( the grossMass of POSITION isNull or 0 is the grossMass of POSITION ) - ( the statisticalValue of POSITION isNull or ZERO is the statisticalValue of POSITION ) , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific8' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_statistic_customsClearanceType' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R183b SC8 Abgabenbefreiung
Bei Veranlagungstyp 8 und keiner Ausbesserung duerfen Zollbeguenstigungscode, Lagercode,Zollnettogewicht, Nettoverzollung, Tarazuschlag und Statistischer Schluessel nicht angegeben sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position where 'the var_repair_no' is the repair of this position and 'the var_customsClearanceType_AbgabeFrei_8' is the customsClearanceType of this position ; if any of the following conditions is true : - 0 is not the statisticalCode of POSITION - ( the customsNetWeight of POSITION isNotNull and 0 is not the customsNetWeight of POSITION ) - the storageType of POSITION isNotNull - ( the customsFavourCode of POSITION isNotNull and "0" is not the customsFavourCode of POSITION ) - ( the netDuty of POSITION isNotNull and "0" is not the netDuty of POSITION ) - ( the tareSupplement of POSITION isNotNull and 0 is not the tareSupplement of POSITION ) , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific8' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_statistic_customsClearanceType' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R184 Einfuhrzollanmeldung in Berechtigung
Wenn eine Einfuhrzollanmeldung in Berechtigung ist, dann darf der Berechtigungscode nicht 0 oder 2 sein
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; if 'the var_correctionCode_Erstuebermittlung_1' is not the correctionCode of HEADER and "in Korrektur" is the statusOfDeclaration of HEADER then 'the result' .setHeaderError( "1" , 'the check_version' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( 'the ref_correctionCode' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R185 Einfuhrzollanmeldung in Berechtigungsanfrage
Wenn eine Einfuhrzollanmeldung in wartend auf Akzeptanz ist, dann darf der Berechtigungscode nicht 0 oder 2 sein.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; if 'the var_correctionCode_Erstuebermittlung_1' is not the correctionCode of HEADER and "wartend auf Akzeptanz" is the statusOfDeclaration of HEADER then 'the result' .setHeaderError( "1" , 'the check_version' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( 'the ref_correctionCode' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R190 SC2 Bewilligung der Stelle 98
Wenn Verkehrsrichtung = 1 (aktiv) oder 2 (passiv) und Verfahrenstyp = 1, dann muss Bewilligungstyp und -nummer angegeben sein und Bew.stellencode muss 98 sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position where 'the var_customsClearanceType_Veredelungsverkehr_2' is the customsClearanceType of this position ; if the direction of POSITION is one of { "1" , "2" } and "1" is the processType of POSITION and isBewilligungsTypAndNumberAndStellenCodeInList( null string , null string , 'the var_permitAuthority_EZV andere _Andere_98' ) of POSITION is false then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific2' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_permit' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R191 SC2 Abrechnungstyp 1
Wenn der Abfertigungstyp = 2, Abrechnungstyp = 1 und Verkehrsrichtung = 1 (aktiv) ist, dann muss der Zollansatz 0 sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position where 'the var_customsClearanceType_Veredelungsverkehr_2' is the customsClearanceType of this position ; if 'the var_billingType_Nichterhebung_1' is the billingType of POSITION and 'the var_direction_activ_1' is the direction of POSITION and ZERO is not the rate of POSITION then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific2' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_valuation_rate' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R193 SC2 nicht erlaubte Angaben
n der Abfertigungstyp = 2, dann darf die TN 9999.9999 nicht verwendet werden.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position where 'the var_customsClearanceType_Veredelungsverkehr_2' is the customsClearanceType of this position ; if "9999.9999" is the commodityCode of POSITION then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific2' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_statistic_customsClearanceType' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R198 SC3 Handelsware 2
Bei Ausbesserung muss der Handelswarencode 2 sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position where 'the var_repair_yes' is the repair of this position ; if 'the var_commercialGood_Nichthandelsware_2' is not the commercialGood of POSITION then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific3' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_statistic_customsClearanceType' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R201 SC6 nicht erlaubte Angaben
Bei Veranlagungstyp 6 und keiner Ausbesserung darf Zollbeguenstigungscode nicht angegeben und die Warennummer nicht 9999.9999 sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position where 'the var_repair_no' is the repair of this position and 'the var_customsClearanceType_Tabak_6' is the customsClearanceType of this position ; if any of the following conditions is true : - ( the customsFavourCode of POSITION isNotNull and "0" is not the customsFavourCode of POSITION ) - 'the var_Mustersendung_9999_9999' is the commodityCode of POSITION , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific1' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_statistic_customsClearanceType' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R203 Zusatzinformation
Gültige Zusatzinformationen gem. Stammdaten
definitions set 'GOODS ITEM DETAILS' to a goods item detail ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data common ; if ( ( the code of 'GOODS ITEM DETAILS' isNull or 'the helper_def_empty_String' is the code of 'GOODS ITEM DETAILS' ) and ( the name of 'GOODS ITEM DETAILS' isNotNull and 'the helper_def_empty_String' is not the name of 'GOODS ITEM DETAILS' ) ) or ( ( the code of 'GOODS ITEM DETAILS' isNotNull and 'the helper_def_empty_String' is not the code of 'GOODS ITEM DETAILS' ) and ( the name of 'GOODS ITEM DETAILS' isNull or 'the helper_def_empty_String' is the name of 'GOODS ITEM DETAILS' ) ) or ( 0 is the number of elements in getGoodsItemCodes( the name of 'GOODS ITEM DETAILS' ) of REFDATA and ( the code of 'GOODS ITEM DETAILS' isNull or 'the helper_def_empty_String' is the code of 'GOODS ITEM DETAILS' ) ) or ( the number of elements in getGoodsItemCodes( the name of 'GOODS ITEM DETAILS' ) of REFDATA is more than 0 and the code of 'GOODS ITEM DETAILS' is not one of getGoodsItemCodes( the name of 'GOODS ITEM DETAILS' ) of REFDATA ) or the name of 'GOODS ITEM DETAILS' is not one of the refAllGoodsItemDetailNames of REFDATA then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of 'GOODS ITEM DETAILS' , "1" , 'the check_additional_information' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of 'GOODS ITEM DETAILS' , 'the ref_goodsItem_details' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R204 Zusatzinformation
Wenn bei angemeldeter Tarifnummer-Schlüssel-Kombination eine Zusatzinformation gem. Stammdaten notwendig ist, dann muss diese angegeben sein.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header where 'the var_clearanceLocation_Erfassung_ab_Einheitsdokument_3' is not the clearancelocation of this header and 'the var_clearanceLocation_Veranlagung_von_Amtes_wegen_4' is not the clearancelocation of this header ; set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if false is plausi helpers.containsAll( getWarenDetailNamen( the commodityCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) of REFDATA , the waren detail namens of POSITION ) then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_additional_information' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_details' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R205 SC2 notwendige Angaben
Bei Veranlagungstyp 2 muessen Verkehrsrichtung, Veredlungstyp, Abrechnungstyp und Verfahrenstyp angegeben werden.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position where the customsClearanceType of this position isNotNull and 'the var_customsClearanceType_Veredelungsverkehr_2' is the customsClearanceType of this position ; if any of the following conditions is true : - ( the direction of POSITION isNull or 'the helper_def_empty_String' is the direction of POSITION ) - ( the refinementType of POSITION isNull or 'the helper_def_empty_String' is the refinementType of POSITION ) - ( the billingType of POSITION isNull or 'the helper_def_empty_String' is the processType of POSITION ) - ( the processType of POSITION isNull or 'the helper_def_empty_String' is the processType of POSITION ) , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific2' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_repairAndRefinement_direction' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_repairAndRefinement_refinementType' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_repairAndRefinement_processType' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_repairAndRefinement_billingType' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R206 SC3 notwendige Angaben
Bei Ausbesserung=1 muessen Verkehrsrichtung und Art der Veredelung angegeben werden.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position where 'the var_repair_yes' is the repair of this position ; if any of the following conditions is true : - ( the direction of POSITION isNull or 'the helper_def_empty_String' is the direction of POSITION ) - ( the repairReason of POSITION isNull or 'the helper_def_empty_String' is the repairReason of POSITION ) , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific3' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_statistic_customsClearanceType' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R207 provisorische Frist
Die provisorische Frist darf nur verwendet werden, wenn der Anmeldungstyp 2 ist (provisorisch).
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; if 'the var_declarationType_provisorisch_2' is not the declarationType of HEADER and HEADER is has provisorische frist is true then 'the result' .setHeaderError( "1" , 'the check_other_header' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R208 SC2 Verfahrenstyp
Wenn Veranlagungstyp 2, Verkehrsrichtung = 1 (aktiv), MwSt.-Code nicht 3 (Steuerfrei) und es keine Ausbesserung ist, dann muss der Verfahrenstyp = 1 (ordentlich) und das Feld Handelsware muss = 1 (Handelsware) sein.
definitions set 'POSITON' to a position where 'the var_repair_no' is the repair of this position and 'the var_customsClearanceType_Veredelungsverkehr_2' is the customsClearanceType of this position ; if all of the following conditions are true : - 'the var_direction_activ_1' is the direction of POSITON - 'the var_VATCode_Steuerfrei_3' is not the VATCode of POSITON - ( 'the var_commercialGood_Handelsware_1' is not the commercialGood of POSITON or 'the var_processType_Ordentlich_1' is not the processType of POSITON ) , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITON , "1" , 'the check_specific2' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITON , 'the ref_goodsItem_repairAndRefinement_processType' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R210a GEB Nummer und Kurzname
Wenn Bewilligungstyp 2 (Generaleinfuhrbewilligung) und Bewilligungsstelle 1 (BLW) ist, dann muss Generaleinfurhbewilligungsnummer (GEB-Nr) existieren und der GEB-Inhaber muss im Importeurnamen (importer/ name), Empfaengernamen (consignee/ name) oder Zwischenhaendlernamen (permit/ additionalInformation) stehen. Ausgenommen sind bestimmte GEB-Nr.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; set 'POSITON' to a position ; set 'PERMIT' to a permit where the positions nr of this permit isNotNull and the positions nr of this permit is the positions nr of POSITON ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if ( all of the following conditions are true : - 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT - "1" is the permitAuthority of PERMIT - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "660000" , "740000" ) is false - containsGeb( the permitNumber of PERMIT , the permitAuthority of PERMIT ) of REFDATA is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT - "1" is the permitAuthority of PERMIT - isGEBAbrechenbar( the permitNumber of PERMIT , the permitAuthority of PERMIT ) of REFDATA is true - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "660000" , "740000" ) is false - containsKurzname( the importerName of HEADER , the permitNumber of PERMIT , the permitAuthority of PERMIT ) of REFDATA is false - containsKurzname( the consigneeName of HEADER , the permitNumber of PERMIT , the permitAuthority of PERMIT ) of REFDATA is false - containsKurzname( the additionalInformation of PERMIT , the permitNumber of PERMIT , the permitAuthority of PERMIT ) of REFDATA is false , ) then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of PERMIT , "1" , 'the check_permit' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of PERMIT , 'the ref_goodsItem_permit' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R210b GEB Nummer erlaubt fuer Verarbeitungscode
Wenn Bewilligungstyp = 2 (Generaleinfuhrbewilligung) oder 3 (Generallizenz) und Verarbeitungscode für Tarifnummer/Schlüssel in Stammdaten, dann muss die Bewilligungsnummer im Bereich liegen, der für diesen Verarbeitungscode definiert ist.
definitions set 'POSITON' to a position ; set 'PERMIT' to a permit where the positions nr of this permit isNotNull and the positions nr of this permit is the positions nr of POSITON ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if the permitType of PERMIT isNotNull and REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) isNotNull and ( ( all of the following conditions are true : - ( 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT or 'the var_permitType_Generallizenz_3' is the permitType of PERMIT ) - 1 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "1001" , "3999" ) is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - ( 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT or 'the var_permitType_Generallizenz_3' is the permitType of PERMIT ) - 4 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "1" , "999" ) is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT - 5 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "1" , "999999" ) is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT - 6 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "1" , "999999" ) is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT - 8 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "1" , "999999" ) is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT - 9 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "1" , "999999" ) is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT - 11 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "1" , "999999" ) is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - ( 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT ) - 18 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "1001" , "29999" ) is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - ( 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT ) - 19 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "103000" , "199999" ) is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - ( 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT ) - 50 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "1" , "50000" ) is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - ( 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT ) - 51 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "100001" , "120000" ) is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - ( 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT ) - 52 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "120001" , "140000" ) is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - ( 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT ) - 53 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "140001" , "160000" ) is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - ( 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT ) - 54 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "160001" , "180000" ) is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - ( 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT ) - 57 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "300001" , "320000" ) is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - ( 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT ) - 58 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "320001" , "340000" ) is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - ( 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT ) - 59 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "340001" , "360000" ) is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - ( 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT ) - 60 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "360001" , "380000" ) is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - ( 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT ) - 61 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "380001" , "400000" ) is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - ( 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT ) - 62 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "400001" , "420000" ) is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - ( 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT ) - 63 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "420001" , "440000" ) is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - ( 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT ) - 64 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "440001" , "460000" ) is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - ( 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT ) - 65 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "460001" , "480000" ) is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - ( 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT ) - 66 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "600001" , "620000" ) is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - ( 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT ) - 67 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "620001" , "640000" ) is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - ( 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT ) - 68 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "640001" , "660000" ) is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - ( 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT ) - 69 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "660001" , "680000" ) is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - ( 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT ) - 70 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "680001" , "700000" ) is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - ( 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT ) - 71 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "800001" , "820000" ) is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - ( 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT ) - 72 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "820001" , "840000" ) is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - ( 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT ) - 73 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "840001" , "860000" ) is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - ( 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT ) - 75 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "60001" , "80000" ) is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - ( 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT ) - 76 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "80001" , "100000" ) is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - ( 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT ) - 77 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "700001" , "720000" ) is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - ( 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT ) - 78 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "720001" , "740000" ) is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - ( 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT ) - 79 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "860001" , "870000" ) is false , ) or ( all of the following conditions are true : - ( 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT ) - 90 is REFDATA .getVerarbeitungscode( the commodityCode of POSITON , the statisticalCode of POSITON ) - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "1" , "999999" ) is false , ) ) then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of PERMIT , "1" , 'the check_permit' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of PERMIT , 'the ref_goodsItem_permit' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R210c Nummer eistiert für réservesuisse
Wenn Bewilligungstyp 2 (Generaleinfuhrbewilligung) und Bewilligungsstelle 2 (résérvesuisse) ist, dann muss Generaleinfurhbewilligungsnummer (GEB-Nr) existieren.
definitions set 'POSITON' to a position ; set 'PERMIT' to a permit where the positions nr of this permit isNotNull and the positions nr of this permit is the positions nr of POSITON ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT and "22" is the permitAuthority of PERMIT and false is containsGeb( the permitNumber of PERMIT , the permitAuthority of PERMIT ) of REFDATA then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of PERMIT , "1" , 'the check_permit' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of PERMIT , 'the ref_goodsItem_permit' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R210d GEB Inhaber Kurzname korrekt für résérvesuisse
Wenn Bewilligungstyp 2 (Generaleinfuhrbewilligung) und Bewilligungsstelle 22 (résérvesuisse) ist und die GEB-Nummer nicht gleich 47998, 47999, 89998, 89999, 119998, 119999, 139998, 139999, 159998, 159999, 179998 oder 179999 ist, dann muss der GEB-Inhaber Kurzname im Importeurnamen (importer/ name) stehen.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; set 'POSITON' to a position ; set 'PERMIT' to a permit where the positions nr of this permit isNotNull and the positions nr of this permit is the positions nr of POSITON ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if 'the var_permitType_Generalbewilligung_2' is the permitType of PERMIT and "22" is the permitAuthority of PERMIT and the permitNumber of PERMIT is not one of { "47998" , "47999" , "89998" , "89999" , "119998" , "119999" , "139998" , "139998" , "159998" , "159998" , "179998" , "179998" } and containsKurzname( the importerName of HEADER , the permitNumber of PERMIT , the permitAuthority of PERMIT ) of REFDATA is false then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of PERMIT , "1" , 'the check_permit' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of PERMIT , 'the ref_goodsItem_permit' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R210e Bewilligungs Nummer existiert fuer Minoest
Wenn der Bewilligungstyp 9 (Biotreibstoffbewilligung) und die Bewilligungsstelle 96 (MinÖst) ist, dann muss die Bewilligungsnummer existieren gemäss den Stammdaten.
definitions set 'POSITON' to a position ; set 'PERMIT' to a permit where the positions nr of this permit isNotNull and the positions nr of this permit is the positions nr of POSITON ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if 'the var_permitType_NachweisBioTreibstoff_9' is the permitType of PERMIT and 'the var_permitAuthority_EZVMinOest_96' is the permitAuthority of PERMIT and containsGeb( the permitNumber of PERMIT , the permitAuthority of PERMIT ) of REFDATA is false then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of PERMIT , "1" , 'the check_permit' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of PERMIT , 'the ref_goodsItem_permit' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R210f Bewilligungs Inhaber Kurzname korrekt fuer Minoest
Wenn der Bewilligungstyp 9 (Biotreibstoffbewilligung) und Bewilligungsstelle 96 (MinÖst) sind, dann muss der Bewilligungs-Inhaber im Importeurnamen (importer/ name) stehen.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; set 'POSITON' to a position ; set 'PERMIT' to a permit where the positions nr of this permit isNotNull and the positions nr of this permit is the positions nr of POSITON ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if 'the var_permitType_NachweisBioTreibstoff_9' is the permitType of PERMIT and 'the var_permitAuthority_EZVMinOest_96' is the permitAuthority of PERMIT and containsKurzname( the importerName of HEADER , the permitNumber of PERMIT , the permitAuthority of PERMIT ) of REFDATA is false then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of PERMIT , "1" , 'the check_permit' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of PERMIT , 'the ref_goodsItem_permit' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R210g Bewilligungs Nummer existiert fuer EAV
Wenn Bewilligungstyp 6 (Verpflichtung) und Bewilligungstelle 2 (EAV) ist, dann muss die Bewilligungs-Nr. Steuerlager existieren.
definitions set 'POSITON' to a position ; set 'PERMIT' to a permit where the positions nr of this permit isNotNull and the positions nr of this permit is the positions nr of POSITON ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if 'the var_permitType_Verpflichtung_6' is the permitType of PERMIT and "2" is the permitAuthority of PERMIT and containsBewNr( the permitNumber of PERMIT , the permitAuthority of PERMIT ) of REFDATA is false then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of PERMIT , "1" , 'the check_permit' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of PERMIT , 'the ref_goodsItem_permit' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R210h Bewilligungs Nummer existiert fuer Tabak
Wenn Bewilligungstyp 4 (Revers Tabak) UND Bewilligungsstelle 21 (OZD S Tabak) UND Zusatzabgabenschlüssel 201 oder 202 DANN muss Bewiligungsnummer existieren gem. Stammdaten
definitions set 'POSITON' to a position ; set 'PERMIT' to a permit where the positions nr of this permit isNotNull and the positions nr of this permit is the positions nr of POSITON ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if 'the var_permitType_ReversTabak_4' is the permitType of PERMIT and 'the var_permitAuthority_SektionTabakBierbesteuerung_21' is the permitAuthority of PERMIT and containsBewNr( the permitNumber of PERMIT , the permitAuthority of PERMIT ) of REFDATA is false and any of the following conditions is true : - 'the var_addtionalTaxTypeKey_201' is one of the additionalTaxKeys of POSITON - 'the var_addtionalTaxTypeKey_202' is one of the additionalTaxKeys of POSITON , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of PERMIT , "1" , 'the check_permit' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of PERMIT , 'the ref_goodsItem_permit' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R210i Bewilligungs Nummer existiert fuer ESTV
Wenn Bewilligungstyp 6 (Verpflichtung) und Bewilligungsstelle 80 (ESTV - Eidg. Steuerverwaltung) DANN muss Bewiligungsnummer existieren gem. Stammdaten und der Importeurname muss der richtige sein (der Kurzname muss entweder im Feld Importeurname, Importeuradresszusatz1, Importeuradresszusatz2 oder ImporteurStrasse enthalten sein).
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; set 'POSITON' to a position ; set 'PERMIT' to a permit where the positions nr of this permit isNotNull and the positions nr of this permit is the positions nr of POSITON ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if 'the var_permitType_Verpflichtung_6' is the permitType of PERMIT and "80" is the permitAuthority of PERMIT and containsBewKurzname( the importerName of HEADER , the importerAddressSupplement1 of HEADER , the importerAddressSupplement2 of HEADER , the importerStreet of HEADER , the permitNumber of PERMIT , the permitAuthority of PERMIT , the importerTraderIdentificationNumber of HEADER , the VATNumber of HEADER ) of REFDATA is false then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of PERMIT , "1" , 'the check_permit' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of PERMIT , 'the ref_goodsItem_permit' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R210j Bewilligungs Nummer existiert fuer EZV Minoest
Wenn Bewilligungstyp 7 (Bewilligung zur periodischen Steueranmeldung) und Bewilligungsstelle 96 (EZV Minöst - Eidg. Zollverwaltung: Minöst) DANN muss die angemeldete Bewilligungsnummer in dem Bewilligungsnummern-Bereichen (1000-3999 und 20004-20990) liegen
definitions set 'POSITON' to a position ; set 'PERMIT' to a permit where the positions nr of this permit isNotNull and the positions nr of this permit is the positions nr of POSITON ; if 'the var_permitType_BewilligungPeriodischeSteueranmeldung_7' is the permitType of PERMIT and 'the var_permitAuthority_EZVMinOest_96' is the permitAuthority of PERMIT and all of the following conditions are true : - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "1000" , "3999" ) is false - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "20004" , "20990" ) is false , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of PERMIT , "1" , 'the check_permit' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of PERMIT , 'the ref_goodsItem_permit' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R210k Bewilligungs Nummer existiert fuer EZV
Wenn Bewilligungstyp 8 ((beso) Verpflichtung Minöst) und Bewilligungsstelle 96 (EZV Minöst - Eidg. Zollverwaltung: Minöst) DANN muss die angemeldete Bewilligungsnummer in dem Bewilligungsnummern-Bereichen (20000-29999und 70000-79999) liegen
definitions set 'POSITON' to a position ; set 'PERMIT' to a permit where the positions nr of this permit isNotNull and the positions nr of this permit is the positions nr of POSITON ; if 'the var_permitType_besoVerpflichtungMinoest_8' is the permitType of PERMIT and 'the var_permitAuthority_EZVMinOest_96' is the permitAuthority of PERMIT and plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "20000" , "29999" ) is false and plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of PERMIT , "70000" , "79999" ) is false then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of PERMIT , "1" , 'the check_permit' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of PERMIT , 'the ref_goodsItem_permit' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R210l GEB Inhaber korrekt und existiert fuer EZV VOC
Wenn Bewilligungstyp 6 (Verpflichtung) und Bewilligungsstelle 97 (EZV VOC - Eidg. Zollverwaltung: VOC) DANN muss Bewiligungsnummer existieren gem. Stammdaten.UND der GEB-Inhaber muss im Importeurnamen oder Empfängernamen stehen
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; set 'POSITON' to a position ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; set 'PERMIT' to a permit where the positions nr of this permit isNotNull and the positions nr of this permit is the positions nr of POSITON ; if 'the var_permitType_Verpflichtung_6' is the permitType of PERMIT and 'the var_permitAuthority_EZV_VOC_97' is the permitAuthority of PERMIT and ( containsBewKurzname( the importerName of HEADER , the importerAddressSupplement1 of HEADER , the importerAddressSupplement2 of HEADER , the importerStreet of HEADER , the permitNumber of PERMIT , the permitAuthority of PERMIT ) of REFDATA is false and containsBewKurzname( the consigneeName of HEADER , the consigneeAddressSupplement1 of HEADER , the consigneeAddressSupplement2 of HEADER , the consigneeStreet of HEADER , the permitNumber of PERMIT , the permitAuthority of PERMIT ) of REFDATA is false ) and all of the following conditions are true : - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the importerName of HEADER , the permitNumber of PERMIT , the permitAuthority of PERMIT ) is false - plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the consigneeName of HEADER , the permitNumber of PERMIT , the permitAuthority of PERMIT ) is false , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of PERMIT , "1" , 'the check_permit' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R210m Anwendungsverhinderung bestimmter Bewilligungsnummern
Bei den TN 2204.2121, 2204.2131, 2204.2141, 2204.2921, 2204.2922, 2204.2931 und 2204.2932 dürfen die Bewilligungsnummern 479995 und 479998 nicht verwendet werden.
definitions set 'POSITON' to a position ; set 'PERMIT' to a permit where the positions nr of this permit isNotNull and the positions nr of this permit is the positions nr of POSITON ; if the commodityCode of POSITON is one of { "2204.2121" , "2204.2131" , "2204.2141" , "2204.2221" , "2204.2222" , "2204.2231" , "2204.2232" , "2204.2923" , "2204.2924" , "2204.2933" , "2204.2934" } and the permitNumber of PERMIT is one of { "479995" , "479998" } then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of PERMIT , "1" , 'the check_permit' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of PERMIT , 'the ref_goodsItem_permit' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R210m Anwendungsverhinderung bestimmter Bewilligungsnummern_old
Bei den TN 2204.2121, 2204.2131, 2204.2141, 2204.2221, 2204.2222, 2204.2231, 2204.2232, 2204.2923, 2204.2924, 2204.2933 und 2204.2934 dürfen die Bewilligungsnummern 479995 und 479998 nicht verwendet werden.
definitions set 'POSITON' to a position ; set 'PERMIT' to a permit where the positions nr of this permit isNotNull and the positions nr of this permit is the positions nr of POSITON ; if the commodityCode of POSITON is one of { "2204.2121" , "2204.2131" , "2204.2141" , "2204.2921" , "2204.2922" , "2204.2931" , "2204.2932" } and the permitNumber of PERMIT is one of { "479995" , "479998" } then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of PERMIT , "1" , 'the check_permit' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of PERMIT , 'the ref_goodsItem_permit' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R210n Bewilligungskontrolle Carbura
WENN Bewilligungstyp 3 und Bewilligungsstelle 8 und Rohmasse > 20kg DANN muss Bewiligungsnummer existieren gem. Stammdaten. UND der GEB-Inhaber muss im Importeurnamen stehen. ->Sofern Bewilligungsnummer nicht zwischen 3000 und 3999 ist, dann wird Kurzname nicht überprüft.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'PERMIT' to a permit where the positions nr of this permit isNotNull and the positions nr of this permit is the positions nr of POSITION and plausi helpers.isInNumberRange( the permitNumber of this permit , "3000" , "3999" ) is false ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if 'the var_permitType_Generallizenz_3' is the permitType of PERMIT and 'the var_permitAuthority_Carbura_8' is the permitAuthority of PERMIT and containsKurzname( the importerName of HEADER , the permitNumber of PERMIT , the permitAuthority of PERMIT ) of REFDATA is false then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of PERMIT , "1" , 'the check_permit' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of PERMIT , 'the ref_goodsItem_permit' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R211 Konti Barzahlung
Wenn Konto Zoll 0 ist, muss auch das Konto MWST 0 sein und umgekehrt
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; if ( "0" is the customsAccount of HEADER and "0" is not the VATAccount of HEADER ) or ( "0" is not the customsAccount of HEADER and "0" is the VATAccount of HEADER ) then 'the result' .setHeaderError( "1" , 'the check_other_header' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( 'the ref_business_VATAccount' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( 'the ref_business_customsAccount' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R212b Konti Vorversion
Wenn der Berichtigungscode 2 oder 0 ist, und die Zollanmeldung schon abgerechnet ist, darf das Konto Zoll und das Konto MWST nicht von oder nach Barzahler geändert werden.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; if ( all of the following conditions are true : - ( "0" is the correctionCode of HEADER or "2" is the correctionCode of HEADER ) - HEADER declaration state is/was 'abgerechnet' or 'korrigiert nach abrechnung' is true , ) and ( any of the following conditions is true : - ( "0" is the customsAccount of HEADER and "0" is not the customsAccountPreviousVersion of HEADER ) - ( "0" is the VATAccount of HEADER and "0" is not the VATAccountPreviousVersion of HEADER ) - ( "0" is not the customsAccount of HEADER and "0" is the customsAccountPreviousVersion of HEADER ) - ( "0" is not the VATAccount of HEADER and "0" is the VATAccountPreviousVersion of HEADER ) , ) then 'the result' .setHeaderError( "1" , 'the check_other_header' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( 'the ref_business_VATAccount' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( 'the ref_business_customsAccount' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R213 Praeferenzansatz vorhanden
Wenn der Veranlagungstyp nicht 10 oder 11 ist und die Präferenzveranlagung beantragt wird (Flag origin/preference = 1) und Ursprungsland (origin/orignCountry) nicht Schweiz oder Lichtenstein ist, muss Praeferenzansatz gem. Stammdaten vorhanden sein
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if ( all of the following conditions are true : - 'the var_customsClearanceType_Rueckwaren_gemaess_Zollrecht_10' is not the customsClearanceType of POSITION - 'the var_customsClearanceType_Rueckwaren_gemaess_Zoll_MWST_Recht_11' is not the customsClearanceType of POSITION - "1" is the preference of POSITION - the originCountry of POSITION is not one of { "CH" , "FL" , "LI" } - checkRefPraeferenz( the commodityCode of POSITION , the originCountry of POSITION , the customsFavourCode of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) of REFDATA is false , ) then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_origin' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_origin_preference' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R214 VVM vor Abrechnung nicht definiert
Wenn Berichtigungscode 2 oder 0 (Annullierung oder Berichtigung), und Berichtigung vom Zoll vor Abrechung, dann darf VVM nicht neu ausgestellt werden.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; if all of the following conditions are true : - ( 'the var_correctionCode_Annullation_0' is the correctionCode of HEADER or 'the var_correctionCode_Korrektur_2' is the correctionCode of HEADER ) - is correction from declarant of HEADER is false - HEADER declaration state is/was 'abgerechnet' or 'korrigiert nach abrechnung' is false - HEADER create new VAT debit isNotNull - ( HEADER create new VAT debit is true or HEADER create new VAT debit is false ) , then 'the result' .setHeaderError( "1" , 'the check_other_header' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R215 VVM nach Abrechung definiert
Wenn Berichtigungscode 2 oder 0 (Annullierung oder Berichtigung), und Berichtigung vom Zoll nach Abrechung, dann muss angegeben werden, ob ein VVM neu ausgestellt werden soll oder nicht.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; if all of the following conditions are true : - ( 'the var_correctionCode_Annullation_0' is the correctionCode of HEADER or 'the var_correctionCode_Korrektur_2' is the correctionCode of HEADER ) - false is is correction from declarant of HEADER - true is HEADER declaration state is/was 'abgerechnet' or 'korrigiert nach abrechnung' - HEADER create new VAT debit isNull , then 'the result' .setHeaderError( "1" , 'the check_other_header' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R216 VVM bei Wechsel von provisorisch auf definitv
Wenn Anmeldungstyp 1 (definitiv) und Vorversion mit Anmeldungstyp 2 (provisorisch) und Berichtigung durch Zoll nach Abrechnung, dann muss eine neue VVM ausgestellt werden.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; if all of the following conditions are true : - 'the var_declarationType_definitv_1' is the declarationType of HEADER - 'the var_declarationType_provisorisch_2' is the declarationTypePreviousVersion of HEADER - HEADER declaration state is/was 'abgerechnet' or 'korrigiert nach abrechnung' is true - is correction from declarant of HEADER is false - ( HEADER create new VAT debit isNull or HEADER create new VAT debit is false ) , then 'the result' .setHeaderError( "1" , 'the check_other_header' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R217 Gueltigkeitsperiode Tarifnummer
Wenn die Warennummer <> 9999.9999 (Mustersendung) dann muss das Anmeldedatum der Erstübermitlung der EZA sich innerhalb der Gültigkeitsperiode der Tarifnummer gem. Stammdaten befinden.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if all of the following conditions are true : - "9999.9999" is not the commodityCode of POSITION - false is checkTN8Gueltigkeit( the commodityCode of POSITION , the acceptanceDate of HEADER ) of REFDATA , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_origin' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_commodityCode' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R219 MWST-Code 91 nur bei aktivem Lohnveredelungsverkehr
Der Mehrwertsteuer-Code 91 darf nur bei Veranlagungstyp =2 (Veredelungsverkehr), Verkehrsrichtung = 1 (aktiv) und Veredelungstyp = 2 (Lohnv.v) angegeben sein
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; if 'the var_VATCode_Lohnveredelung_im_Nichterhebungsverfahren_MWST_91' is the VATCode of POSITION and any of the following conditions is true : - 'the var_customsClearanceType_Veredelungsverkehr_2' is not the customsClearanceType of POSITION - 'the var_direction_activ_1' is not the direction of POSITION - 'the var_refinementType_Lohnveredelungsverkehr_2' is not the refinementType of POSITION , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific2' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_repairAndRefinement_direction' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_repairAndRefinement_refinementType' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R220a Zusatzabgaben-Ansatz bei Tabaksteuer oder Pflanzenschutz gesetzt
Zusatzabgaben Ansatz (additionalTax/rate) bei Tabaksteuer oder Pflanzenschutz gesetzt
definitions set 'ADDITONALTAX' to an additional tax ; if all of the following conditions are true : - ( 'the var_additionalTaxType_TabakSteuer_450' is the type of ADDITONALTAX or 'the var_additionalTaxType_790' is the type of ADDITONALTAX ) - the rate of ADDITONALTAX isNull , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of ADDITONALTAX , "1" , 'the check_additional_tax' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of ADDITONALTAX , 'the ref_goodsItem_additionalTax' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R220b Zusatzabgaben-Ansatz und Richtigcode
Wenn der Zusatzabgaben-Ansatz angemeldet wird, dann muss der Richtigcode Zusatzabgaben-Ansatz gesetzt (=1) sein. Sonst darf der Richtigcode nicht gesetzt werden. Ausgenommen sind Zusatzabgaben typen 450, 465 und 470
definitions set 'ADDITONALTAX' to an additional tax where the type of this additional tax is not one of { 'the var_additionalTaxType_TabakSteuer_450' , 'the var_additionalTaxType__SOTA_Gebuehren_465' , 'the var_additionalTaxTypeTabakpraeventionsfonds_470' } ; if any of the following conditions is true : - ( the rate of ADDITONALTAX isNotNull and "1" is not the rateConfirmation of ADDITONALTAX ) - ( the rate of ADDITONALTAX isNull and "1" is the rateConfirmation of ADDITONALTAX ) , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of ADDITONALTAX , "1" , 'the check_additional_tax' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of ADDITONALTAX , 'the ref_goodsItem_additionalTax' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R222 Gebuehren 991 992 994 950 885 980 958 670 956 nicht erlaubt
Gebührenart 885, 950, 980, 991, 992, 994, 956, 958, oder 670 darf nicht angemeldet werden.
definitions set 'FEE' to a fee ; if the type of FEE is one of { 'the var_feeType_TotalBussenverteilerKreisdirektion_950' , 'the var_feeType_885' , 'the var_feeType_Rueckerstattungsgebuehr_980' , 'the var_feeType_BarhinterlagenAbt_991' , 'the var_feeType_BarhinterlagenAusgang_992' , 'the var_feeType_Rueckerstattungen_994' , 'the var_feeType_Artenschutz_Bussen_958' , 'the var_feeType_Tierseuchenges_Bussen_956' , 'the var_feeType_670' } then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of FEE , "1" , 'the check_fee' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of FEE , 'the ref_goodsItem_fee' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R223 Zusatzabgaben-Menge bei Automobilsteuer
Bei der R223 Description: Wenn Zusatzabgabenart 660 (Automobilsteuer) ist, dann muss Zusatzabgabenmenge >= statistischer Wert sein. (grösser oder gleich stat. Wert)
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'ADDITONALTAX' to an additional tax where the positions nr of this additional tax isNotNull and the positions nr of this additional tax is the positions nr of POSITION and the quantity of this additional tax isNotNull ; if all of the following conditions are true : - 'the var_additionalTaxType_Automobilsteuer_660' is the type of ADDITONALTAX - the quantity of ADDITONALTAX is less than the amount of the statisticalValue of POSITION , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of ADDITONALTAX , "1" , 'the check_additional_tax' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of ADDITONALTAX , 'the ref_goodsItem_additionalTax' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R224 Nettoveranlagung Bemessungscode
Wenn bei Nettoveranlagung 1 (ja) gewählt ist, dann muss die Bemessungsgrundlage je 100 kg brutto sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if "1" is the netDuty of POSITION and "1" is not REFDATA .getBemessungsCodeTarif( the commodityCode of POSITION , the originCountry of POSITION , the customsFavourCode of POSITION , the preference of POSITION , the statisticalCode of POSITION ) then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_net_duty' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_valuation_netDuty' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R225 SC4 Zollansatz 0 und Praeferenz
Wenn der Veranlagungstyp 10 (Rückwaren gemaess Zollrecht) oder 11 (Rückwaren gemäss Zoll-/MWST-Recht) und der Zollansatz nicht Fr. 0.00 ist, dann darf die Praeferenz nicht gesetzt sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; if all of the following conditions are true : - the customsClearanceType of POSITION is one of { 'the var_customsClearanceType_Rueckwaren_gemaess_Zollrecht_10' , 'the var_customsClearanceType_Rueckwaren_gemaess_Zoll_MWST_Recht_11' } - ZERO is not the rate of POSITION - 'the var_preference_yes_1' is the preference of POSITION , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_net_duty' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_valuation_rate' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_origin_preference' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R226a Richtigcode bei Unterlagen ohne Praeferenz
Wenn Art-Unterlagencode = 865 (APS), 866 (SoO), 954 (EUR.1), 862 (Ursprungserklärung), 861 (Ursprungszeugnis) oder 3 (Qualitätszeugnis), dann muss die Praeferenz = 1 (ja) sein, ausser der Richtigcode Praeferenz ist gesetzt.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; if ( all of the following conditions are true : - 'the var_preference_yes_1' is not the preference of POSITION - "1" is not the preferenceConfirmation of POSITION , ) and any of the following conditions is true : - 'the var_documentType_Qualitaetzeugnis_3' is one of the documentTypes of POSITION - 'the var_documentType_861_Ursprungszeugnis' is one of the documentTypes of POSITION - 'the var_documentType_862_Ursprungserklaerung' is one of the documentTypes of POSITION - 'the var_documentType_APSUrsprungszeugnis_865' is one of the documentTypes of POSITION - 'the var_documentType_Statement_on_Origin_866' is one of the documentTypes of POSITION - 'the var_documentType_EUR1_Warenverkehrsbescheinigung_954' is one of the documentTypes of POSITION , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_origin' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_origin_preference' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R226a Richtigcode bei Unterlagen ohne Praeferenz_old
Wenn Art-Unterlagencode = 865 (APS), 954 (EUR.1), 862 (Ursprungserklärung), 861 (Ursprungszeugnis) oder 3 (Qualitätszeugnis), dann muss die Praeferenz = 1 (ja) sein, ausser der Richtigcode Praeferenz ist gesetzt.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; if ( all of the following conditions are true : - 'the var_preference_yes_1' is not the preference of POSITION - "1" is not the preferenceConfirmation of POSITION , ) and any of the following conditions is true : - 'the var_documentType_Qualitaetzeugnis_3' is one of the documentTypes of POSITION - 'the var_documentType_861_Ursprungszeugnis' is one of the documentTypes of POSITION - 'the var_documentType_862_Ursprungserklaerung' is one of the documentTypes of POSITION - 'the var_documentType_APSUrsprungszeugnis_865' is one of the documentTypes of POSITION - 'the var_documentType_EUR1_Warenverkehrsbescheinigung_954' is one of the documentTypes of POSITION , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_origin' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_origin_preference' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R226b Richtigcode ohne Praeferenz ohne Unterlagen
Wenn Präferenz = 0, null (nicht gesetzt) und Richtigcode Präferenz = 1 (ja), dann müssen Unterlagen vorgelegt werden.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; if all of the following conditions are true : - 'the var_preference_yes_1' is not the preference of POSITION - ( the preferenceConfirmation of POSITION isNotNull and "1" is the preferenceConfirmation of POSITION ) - 0 is the number of elements in the documentTypes of POSITION , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_origin' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_producedDocument' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R227 Vorgelegte Unterlagen vollstaendig
Wenn Art-Unterlagencode = 865 (APS), 866 (SoO), 954 (EUR.1), 862 (Ursprungserklärung), 861 (Ursprungszeugnis), 853 (tieraerztliches Gesundheitszeugnis) oder 3 (Qualitätszeugnis), dann müssen Datum und Referenz der Dokumente angemeldet werden.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'PRODUCEDDOCUMENTS' to a produced documents ; if ( any of the following conditions is true : - 'the var_documentType_Qualitaetzeugnis_3' is the documentType of PRODUCEDDOCUMENTS - 'the var_documentType_861_Ursprungszeugnis' is the documentType of PRODUCEDDOCUMENTS - 'the var_documentType_862_Ursprungserklaerung' is the documentType of PRODUCEDDOCUMENTS - 'the var_documentType_APSUrsprungszeugnis_865' is the documentType of PRODUCEDDOCUMENTS - 'the var_documentType_Statement_on_Origin_866' is the documentType of PRODUCEDDOCUMENTS - 'the var_documentType_EUR1_Warenverkehrsbescheinigung_954' is the documentType of PRODUCEDDOCUMENTS - 'the var_documentType_tieraerztliches_Gesundheitszeugnis_853' is the documentType of PRODUCEDDOCUMENTS , ) and ( any of the following conditions is true : - the issueDate of PRODUCEDDOCUMENTS isNull - the documentReferenceNumber of PRODUCEDDOCUMENTS isNull - 'the helper_def_empty_String' is the documentReferenceNumber of PRODUCEDDOCUMENTS - 'the helper_def_Space_String' is the documentReferenceNumber of PRODUCEDDOCUMENTS , ) then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of PRODUCEDDOCUMENTS , "1" , 'the check_origin' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of PRODUCEDDOCUMENTS , 'the ref_goodsItem_producedDocument' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R227 Vorgelegte Unterlagen vollstaendig_old
Wenn Art-Unterlagencode = 865 (APS), 954 (EUR.1), 862 (Ursprungserklärung), 861 (Ursprungszeugnis), 853 (tieraerztliches Gesundheitszeugnis) oder 3 (Qualitätszeugnis), dann müssen Datum und Referenz der Dokumente angemeldet werden.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'PRODUCEDDOCUMENTS' to a produced documents ; if ( any of the following conditions is true : - 'the var_documentType_Qualitaetzeugnis_3' is the documentType of PRODUCEDDOCUMENTS - 'the var_documentType_861_Ursprungszeugnis' is the documentType of PRODUCEDDOCUMENTS - 'the var_documentType_862_Ursprungserklaerung' is the documentType of PRODUCEDDOCUMENTS - 'the var_documentType_APSUrsprungszeugnis_865' is the documentType of PRODUCEDDOCUMENTS - 'the var_documentType_EUR1_Warenverkehrsbescheinigung_954' is the documentType of PRODUCEDDOCUMENTS - 'the var_documentType_tieraerztliches_Gesundheitszeugnis_853' is the documentType of PRODUCEDDOCUMENTS , ) and ( any of the following conditions is true : - the issueDate of PRODUCEDDOCUMENTS isNull - the documentReferenceNumber of PRODUCEDDOCUMENTS isNull - 'the helper_def_empty_String' is the documentReferenceNumber of PRODUCEDDOCUMENTS - 'the helper_def_Space_String' is the documentReferenceNumber of PRODUCEDDOCUMENTS , ) then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of PRODUCEDDOCUMENTS , "1" , 'the check_origin' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of PRODUCEDDOCUMENTS , 'the ref_goodsItem_producedDocument' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R228 Mineraloelsteuer Bewilligung Schluessel
Angaben bei Bewilligungen fehlen / sind ungültig (Bewilligungstyp 8 und Stellencode 96) im Rahmen der Verpflichtung Minöst (beso) in Verbindung mit Lagercode 1, ZB-Typ 4 und Zusatzabgabenschlüssel.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'ADDITIONALTAX' to an additional tax where the positions nr of this additional tax is the positions nr of POSITION ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if ( all of the following conditions are true : - "1" is the storageType of POSITION - "4" is REFDATA .getZBTypCode( the commodityCode of POSITION ) - isBewilligungsTypAndNumberAndStellenCodeInList( "8" , null string , "96" ) of POSITION is false , ) and the key of ADDITIONALTAX is one of { "800" , "880" , "881" , "882" , "883" , "884" , "885" , "886" , "887" , "888" , "891" , "892" , "895" , "911" , "912" , "915" , "916" , "917" , "918" , "980" , "981" , "982" } then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_origin' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_permit' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R229 Meldestelle nur bei Veredelungsverkehr
Wenn Veranlagungstyp = 2 und Verfahrenstyp 1 (ordentliches Verfahren), dann muss Feld Meldestelle eine gültige Zollstellennummer gem. Stammdaten enthalten. Sonst darf die Meldestelle nicht verwendet werden.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if ( 'the var_customsClearanceType_Veredelungsverkehr_2' is the customsClearanceType of POSITION and ( the processType of POSITION isNotNull and 'the var_processType_Ordentlich_1' is the processType of POSITION ) and any of the following conditions is true : - ( 0 is the number of elements in the notificationCodes of POSITION ) - ( ( plausi helpers.containsAll( the notificationCodes of POSITION , the ref meldestellencodes of REFDATA ) is false ) and 0 is not the number of elements in the notificationCodes of POSITION ) , ) or ( the number of elements in the notificationCodes of POSITION is at least 1 and any of the following conditions is true : - 'the var_processType_Ordentlich_1' is not the processType of POSITION - 'the var_customsClearanceType_Veredelungsverkehr_2' is not the customsClearanceType of POSITION , ) then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific2' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_repairAndRefinement_processType' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R230 Zollbeguenstigung nicht moeglich
Wenn Veranlagungstyp nicht gleich 10 oder 11 und Ursprungsland enthalten in (CH, FL, LI) dann darf keine Präferenz angegeben werden.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; if ( all of the following conditions are true : - 'the var_customsClearanceType_Rueckwaren_gemaess_Zollrecht_10' is not the customsClearanceType of POSITION - 'the var_customsClearanceType_Rueckwaren_gemaess_Zoll_MWST_Recht_11' is not the customsClearanceType of POSITION , ) and the originCountry of POSITION is one of { "CH" , "FL" , "LI" } and 'the var_preference_yes_1' is the preference of POSITION then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_detail_cross' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_origin_preference' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R235 Verkehrszweig
Wenn Veranlagungsart Post = standard (3), dann muss der Verkehrszweig = Postverkehr (5) sein.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; if 'the var_processType_Besonders_3' is the procedureType of HEADER and 'the var_transportMode_Postverkehr_5' is not the transportMode of HEADER then 'the result' .setHeaderError( "1" , 'the check_dependency' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( 'the ref_transportMeans_mode' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R236 Vorpapier Art = IPV
Wenn das Feld Vorpapier Art = IPV (Import Postverkehr) ist, dann muss die Spediteurnummer (8200, 5906, 9007, 9013, 7081, 7082, 9405, 9406, 9407, 1000779, 1000780, 1000781, 1000782, 1000871, 7083, 8199, 9408, 1000557, 1000334, 9411, 9412, 8197, 8198 oder 1000711) sein.Wenn die Spediteurnummer (8200, 5906, 9007, 9013, 7081, 7082, 9405, 9406, 9407, 9408, 1000779, 1000780, 1000781, 1000782, 1000871, 7083, 8199, 1000557, 1000334, 9411, 9412, 8197, 8198 oder 1000711) angemeldet wird, dann muss das Feld Vorpapier Art = IPV (Import Postverkehr) sein.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; if ( 'the var_processType_Besonders_3' is the procedureType of HEADER and "IPV" is one of ( the previousDocumentsType_Lists of HEADER ) and the declarantTraderIdentificationNumber of HEADER is not one of { "5906" , "7083" , "7081" , "8199" , "7082" , "8200" , "9007" , "9013" , "9405" , "9406" , "9407" , "9408" , "1000557" , "1000711" , "1000779" , "1000780" , "1000781" , "1000782" , "1000871" , "1000334" , "9411" , "9412" , "8197" , "8198" } ) or ( 'the var_processType_Besonders_3' is the procedureType of HEADER and "IPV" is not one of ( the previousDocumentsType_Lists of HEADER ) and the declarantTraderIdentificationNumber of HEADER is one of { "5906" , "7083" , "7081" , "8199" , "7082" , "8200" , "9007" , "9013" , "9405" , "9406" , "9407" , "9408" , "1000557" , "1000711" , "1000779" , "1000780" , "1000781" , "1000782" , "1000871" , "1000334" , "9411" , "9412" , "8197" , "8198" } ) then 'the result' .setHeaderError( "1" , 'the check_dependency' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( 'the ref_previousDocument_type' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R237 Verzollungart in Stammdaten
Gültige Veranlagungsart Post gem. Stammdaten
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if the procedureType of HEADER isNotNull and the procedureType of HEADER is not one of the verzollungs arten codes of REFDATA then 'the result' .setHeaderError( "1" , 'the check_reference_data' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( 'the ref_postalShipment_type' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R241 MwSt-Konto in Vorversionen (Konzessionaer)
Wenn Berichtigungscode 2 oder 0 (Berichtigung oder Annulierung), und das MwSt-Konto ist von einem Konzessionär dann muss in der Vorversion auch das MwSt-Konto von einem Konzessionär sein oder umgekehrt.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if 'the var_procedureType_standard_3' is the procedureType of HEADER and the VATAccountPreviousVersion of HEADER isNotNull and isAccountKonzessionaer( the VATAccount of HEADER ) of REFDATA is not isAccountKonzessionaer( the VATAccountPreviousVersion of HEADER ) of REFDATA then 'the result' .setHeaderError( "1" , 'the check_authorisation' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( 'the ref_business_VATAccount' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R242 Zoll-Konto in Vorversionen (Konzessionaer)
Wenn Berichtigungscode 2 oder 0 (Berichtigung oder Annulierung), und das Zoll-Konto ist von keinem Konzessionär dann muss in der Vorversion auch das Zoll-Konto von keinem Konzessionär sein oder umgekehrt.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if 'the var_procedureType_standard_3' is the procedureType of HEADER and the customsAccountPreviousVersion of HEADER isNotNull and isAccountKonzessionaer( the customsAccount of HEADER ) of REFDATA is not isAccountKonzessionaer( the customsAccountPreviousVersion of HEADER ) of REFDATA then 'the result' .setHeaderError( "1" , 'the check_authorisation' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( 'the ref_business_customsAccount' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R243a MwSt-Konto nur dem Spediteur zugeordnet
Das MwSt.Konzessionärskonto darf genau nur dem angemeldeten Spediteur zugewiesen sein und muss den Status aktiv haben.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if 'the var_procedureType_standard_3' is the procedureType of HEADER and isKonzessionaerAccountOnlyRelatedToSpediteur( the VATAccount of HEADER ) of REFDATA is false then 'the result' .setHeaderError( "1" , 'the check_authorisation' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( 'the ref_business_VATAccount' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R243b Zoll-Konto nur dem Spediteur zugeordnet
Das Zoll-Konzessionärskonto darf genau nur dem angemeldeten Spediteur zugewiesen sein und muss den Status aktiv haben.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if 'the var_procedureType_standard_3' is the procedureType of HEADER and isKonzessionaerAccountOnlyRelatedToSpediteur( the customsAccount of HEADER ) of REFDATA is false then 'the result' .setHeaderError( "1" , 'the check_authorisation' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( 'the ref_business_customsAccount' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R244a MwSt Konzessionaerskonto aktiv
Wenn das MwSt.-Konzessionärskonto nicht aktiv ist, dann darf dieses für Erstübermittlungen nicht benutzt werden.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if 'the var_procedureType_standard_3' is the procedureType of HEADER and isKonzessionaerAccountActive( the VATAccount of HEADER ) of REFDATA is false and 'the var_correctionCode_Erstuebermittlung_1' is the correctionCode of HEADER then 'the result' .setHeaderError( "1" , 'the check_authorisation' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( 'the ref_business_VATAccount' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R244b Zoll Konzessionaerskonto aktiv
Wenn das Zoll-Konzessionärskonto nicht aktiv ist, dann darf dieses für Erstübermittlungen nicht benutzt werden.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; set 'REFDATA' to a ref data ; if 'the var_procedureType_standard_3' is the procedureType of HEADER and isKonzessionaerAccountActive( the customsAccount of HEADER ) of REFDATA is false and 'the var_correctionCode_Erstuebermittlung_1' is the correctionCode of HEADER then 'the result' .setHeaderError( "1" , 'the check_authorisation' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( 'the ref_business_customsAccount' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R245 Vorpapier Art = IPV nur einmal
Vorpapier Art = ipv (Import Postverkehr) darf nur einmal pro Einfuhrzollanmeldung verwendet werden.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; if false is plausi helpers.containsAtMostOnce( the previousDocumentsType_Lists of HEADER , "IPV" ) then 'the result' .setHeaderError( "1" , 'the check_dependency' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( 'the ref_previousDocument_type' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R246 Barzahler
WENN die Veranlagungsart Post = standard (3) oder der Veranlagungsort =3 (nachträgliche Erfassung ED) ist, DANN darf die Konto Nr. 0 (Barzahler) nicht angemeldet werden (weder im Feld Konto Zoll noch im Feld Konto MWST)
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; if ( 'the var_procedureType_standard_3' is the procedureType of HEADER and any of the following conditions is true : - "0" is the customsAccount of HEADER - "0" is the VATAccount of HEADER , ) or ( 'the var_clearanceLocation_Erfassung_ab_Einheitsdokument_3' is the clearancelocation of HEADER and any of the following conditions is true : - "0" is the customsAccount of HEADER - "0" is the VATAccount of HEADER , ) then 'the result' .setHeaderError( "1" , 'the check_dependency' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( 'the ref_business_VATAccount' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( 'the ref_business_customsAccount' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R247 MWST-Code 92
Der Mehrwertsteuer-Code 92 darf nur bei Veranlagungstyp = 2 (Veredelungsverkehr), Verkehrsrichtung = 2 (passiv), Verfahrenstyp = 1 (ordentliches Verfahren), Abrechnungstyp = 1 (Nichterhebung), Zollansatz = 0.0SFr und Handelsware = 2 (nicht Handelsware).
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; if 'the var_VATCode_Nachtraegliche_Steuerveranlagung_92' is the VATCode of POSITION and any of the following conditions is true : - 'the var_customsClearanceType_Veredelungsverkehr_2' is not the customsClearanceType of POSITION - 'the var_direction_passiv_2' is not the direction of POSITION - ZERO is not the rate of POSITION - 'the var_processType_Ordentlich_1' is not the processType of POSITION - 'the var_commercialGood_Nichthandelsware_2' is not the commercialGood of POSITION - 'the var_billingType_Nichterhebung_1' is not the billingType of POSITION , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific2' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_repairAndRefinement_direction' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_repairAndRefinement_processType' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_valuation_rate' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R249a MWST-Wert Tabak
Wenn die Tarifnummer 2402.1000, 2402.2010, 2402.2020, 2402.9000, 2403.1100, 2403.1900, 2403.9910 oder 2403.9990 und der Statistische Schlüssel = 911 ist oder die Tarifnumer 3824.9999 und der Statistische Schlüssel 912 ist, dann darf der MWST-Wert nicht grösser als Fr. 1000.00 sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; if ( ( 911 is the statisticalCode of POSITION and the commodityCode of POSITION is one of { "2402.1000" , "2402.2010" , "2402.2020" , "2402.9000" , "2403.1100" , "2403.1900" , "2403.9910" , "2403.9990" } ) or ( 912 is the statisticalCode of POSITION and "3824.9999" is the commodityCode of POSITION ) ) and the amount of the VATValue of POSITION is more than 1000 then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific6' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_valuation_VATValue' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R249a MWST-Wert Tabak_old
Wenn die Tarifnummer 2402.1000, 2402.2010, 2402.2020, 2402.9000, 2403.1100, 2403.1900, 2403.9910 oder 2403.9990 und der Statistische Schlüssel = 911 ist oder die Tarifnumer 3824.9098 und der Statistische Schlüssel 912 ist, dann darf der MWST-Wert nicht grösser als Fr. 1000.00 sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; if ( ( 911 is the statisticalCode of POSITION and the commodityCode of POSITION is one of { "2402.1000" , "2402.2010" , "2402.2020" , "2402.9000" , "2403.1100" , "2403.1900" , "2403.9910" , "2403.9990" } ) or ( 912 is the statisticalCode of POSITION and "3824.9098" is the commodityCode of POSITION ) ) and the amount of the VATValue of POSITION is more than 1000 then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific6' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_valuation_VATValue' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R249b Rohmasse Tabak
Wenn die Tarifnummer = 2402.1000, 2402.2010, 2402.2020, 2402.9000, 2403.1100, 2403.1900, 2403.9910, 2403.9990 und der Statistische Schlüssel = 911 ist oder die Tarifnummer = 3824.9999 und der Statistische Schlüssel = 912, dann darf die Rohmasse nicht grösser als 10 kg sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; if ( ( 911 is the statisticalCode of POSITION and the commodityCode of POSITION is one of { "2402.1000" , "2402.2010" , "2402.2020" , "2402.9000" , "2403.1100" , "2403.1900" , "2403.9910" , "2403.9990" } ) or ( 912 is the statisticalCode of POSITION and "3824.9999" is the commodityCode of POSITION ) ) and the grossMass of POSITION is more than 10 then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific6' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_grossMass' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R249b Rohmasse Tabak_old
Wenn die Tarifnummer = 2402.1000, 2402.2010, 2402.2020, 2402.9000, 2403.1100, 2403.1900, 2403.9910, 2403.9990 und der Statistische Schlüssel = 911 ist oder die Tarifnummer = 3824.9098 und der Statistische Schlüssel = 912, dann darf die Rohmasse nicht grösser als 10 kg sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; if ( ( 911 is the statisticalCode of POSITION and the commodityCode of POSITION is one of { "2402.1000" , "2402.2010" , "2402.2020" , "2402.9000" , "2403.1100" , "2403.1900" , "2403.9910" , "2403.9990" } ) or ( 912 is the statisticalCode of POSITION and "3824.9098" is the commodityCode of POSITION ) ) and the grossMass of POSITION is more than 10 then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific6' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_grossMass' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R249c Revers Tabak Stat Schlüssel = 911
Wenn die Tarifnummer = 2402.1000, 2402.2010, 2402.2020, 2402.9000, 2403.1100, 2403.1900, 2403.9910 und 2403.9990 und der Statistische Schlüssel = 911 ist oder die Tarifnummer = 3824.9999 und der Statistische Schlüssel = 912 ist, dann darf der Bewilligungstyp 4 / Bewilligungsstelle 21 nicht angemeldet werden (Revers Tabak).
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'PERMIT' to a permit where the positions nr of this permit is the positions nr of POSITION ; if ( 'the var_permitType_ReversTabak_4' is the permitType of PERMIT and 'the var_permitAuthority_SektionTabakBierbesteuerung_21' is the permitAuthority of PERMIT ) and ( ( 911 is the statisticalCode of POSITION and the commodityCode of POSITION is one of { "2402.1000" , "2402.2010" , "2402.2020" , "2402.9000" , "2403.1100" , "2403.1900" , "2403.9910" , "2403.9990" } ) or ( 912 is the statisticalCode of POSITION and "3824.9999" is the commodityCode of POSITION ) ) then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific6' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_permit' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R249c Revers Tabak Stat Schlüssel = 911_old
Wenn die Tarifnummer = 2402.1000, 2402.2010, 2402.2020, 2402.9000, 2403.1100, 2403.1900, 2403.9910 und 2403.9990 und der Statistische Schlüssel = 911 ist oder die Tarifnummer = 3824.9098 und der Statistische Schlüssel = 912 ist, dann darf der Bewilligungstyp 4 / Bewilligungsstelle 21 nicht angemeldet werden (Revers Tabak).
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'PERMIT' to a permit where the positions nr of this permit is the positions nr of POSITION ; if ( 'the var_permitType_ReversTabak_4' is the permitType of PERMIT and 'the var_permitAuthority_SektionTabakBierbesteuerung_21' is the permitAuthority of PERMIT ) and ( ( 911 is the statisticalCode of POSITION and the commodityCode of POSITION is one of { "2402.1000" , "2402.2010" , "2402.2020" , "2402.9000" , "2403.1100" , "2403.1900" , "2403.9910" , "2403.9990" } ) or ( 912 is the statisticalCode of POSITION and "3824.9098" is the commodityCode of POSITION ) ) then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific6' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_permit' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R249d Zollansatz Tabak
Wenn die Tarifnummer = 2402.1000, 2402.2010, 2402.2020, 2402.9000, 2403.1100, 2403.1900, 2403.9910 oder 2403.9990 und der Statistische Schlüssel = 911 ist oder die Tarifnummer = 3824.9999 und der Statistische Schlüssel = 912 ist, dann muss der Zollansatz Fr. 0.00 sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; if ( the rate of POSITION isNull or ZERO is not the rate of POSITION ) and ( ( 911 is the statisticalCode of POSITION and the commodityCode of POSITION is one of { "2402.1000" , "2402.2010" , "2402.2020" , "2402.9000" , "2403.1100" , "2403.1900" , "2403.9910" , "2403.9990" } ) or ( 912 is the statisticalCode of POSITION and "3824.9999" is the commodityCode of POSITION ) ) then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific6' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_valuation_rate' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R249d Zollansatz Tabak_old
Wenn die Tarifnummer = 2402.1000, 2402.2010, 2402.2020, 2402.9000, 2403.1100, 2403.1900, 2403.9910 oder 2403.9990 und der Statistische Schlüssel = 911 ist oder die Tarifnummer = 3824.9098 und der Statistische Schlüssel = 912 ist, dann muss der Zollansatz Fr. 0.00 sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; if ( the rate of POSITION isNull or ZERO is not the rate of POSITION ) and ( ( 911 is the statisticalCode of POSITION and the commodityCode of POSITION is one of { "2402.1000" , "2402.2010" , "2402.2020" , "2402.9000" , "2403.1100" , "2403.1900" , "2403.9910" , "2403.9990" } ) or ( 912 is the statisticalCode of POSITION and "3824.9098" is the commodityCode of POSITION ) ) then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific6' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_valuation_rate' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R249e Veranlagungstyp Tabak
Wenn die Tarifnummer = 2402.1000, 2402.2010, 2402.2020, 2402.9000, 2403.1100, 2403.1900, 2403.9910 oder 2403.9990 und der Statistische Schlüssel = 911 ist, dann muss der Veranlagungstyp 6 (Tabak) sein.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; set 'POSITION' to a position where 'the var_clearanceLocation_Erfassung_ab_Einheitsdokument_3' is not the clearancelocation of HEADER and 'the var_clearanceLocation_Veranlagung_von_Amtes_wegen_4' is not the clearancelocation of HEADER ; if 'the var_customsClearanceType_Tabak_6' is not the customsClearanceType of POSITION and ( 911 is the statisticalCode of POSITION and the commodityCode of POSITION is one of { "2402.1000" , "2402.2010" , "2402.2020" , "2402.9000" , "2403.1100" , "2403.1900" , "2403.9910" , "2403.9990" } ) then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific6' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_statistic_customsClearanceType' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R249e Veranlagungstyp Tabak_old
Wenn die Tarifnummer = 2402.1000, 2402.2010, 2402.2020, 2402.9000, 2403.1100, 2403.1900, 2403.9910 oder 2403.9990 und der Statistische Schlüssel = 911 ist, dann muss der Veranlagungstyp 6 (Tabak) sein.
definitions set 'HEADER' to a header ; set 'POSITION' to a position where 'the var_clearanceLocation_Erfassung_ab_Einheitsdokument_3' is not the clearancelocation of HEADER and 'the var_clearanceLocation_Veranlagung_von_Amtes_wegen_4' is not the clearancelocation of HEADER ; if 911 is the statisticalCode of POSITION and 'the var_customsClearanceType_Tabak_6' is not the customsClearanceType of POSITION and the commodityCode of POSITION is one of { "2402.1000" , "2402.2010" , "2402.2020" , "2402.9000" , "2403.1000" , "2403.1100" , "2403.1900" , "2403.9910" , "2403.9990" } then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific6' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_statistic_customsClearanceType' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R250a Zusatzabgabe Zigarren
Wenn die Tarifnummer = 2402.1000 und der Statistische Schlüssel = 911 ist, dann muss die Zusatzabgabe Art = 450 und der Schlüssel = 011 sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; if 911 is the statisticalCode of POSITION and "2402.1000" is the commodityCode of POSITION and POSITION has any additionalTaxes is false then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific6' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_additionalTax' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R250b Zusatzabgabe Zigarren
Wenn die Tarifnummer = 2402.1000 und der Statistische Schlüssel = 911 ist, dann muss die Zusatzabgabe Art = 450 und der Schlüssel = 011 sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'ADDITIONALTAX' to an additional tax where the positions nr of this additional tax is the positions nr of POSITION ; if 911 is the statisticalCode of POSITION and "2402.1000" is the commodityCode of POSITION and any of the following conditions is true : - 'the var_additionalTaxType_TabakSteuer_450' is not the type of ADDITIONALTAX - 'the var_addtionalTaxKey_011' is not the key of ADDITIONALTAX , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific6' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_additionalTax' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R251a Zusatzabgabe schwere Zigaretten
Wenn die Tarifnummer = 2402.2010 und der Statistische Schlüssel = 911 ist, dann muss die Zusatzabgabe Art = 450 und der Schlüssel = 012 sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; if 911 is the statisticalCode of POSITION and "2402.2010" is the commodityCode of POSITION and POSITION has any additionalTaxes is false then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific6' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_additionalTax' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R251b Zusatzabgabe schwere Zigaretten
Wenn die Tarifnummer = 2402.2010 und der Statistische Schlüssel = 911 ist, dann muss die Zusatzabgabe Art = 450 und der Schlüssel = 012 sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'ADDITIONALTAX' to an additional tax where the positions nr of this additional tax is the positions nr of POSITION ; if 911 is the statisticalCode of POSITION and "2402.2010" is the commodityCode of POSITION and any of the following conditions is true : - 'the var_additionalTaxType_TabakSteuer_450' is not the type of ADDITIONALTAX - 'the var_addtionalTaxKey_012' is not the key of ADDITIONALTAX , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific6' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_additionalTax' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R252a Zusatzabgabe leichte Zigaretten
Wenn die Tarifnummer = 2402.2020 und der Statistische Schlüssel = 911 ist, dann muss die Zusatzabgabe Art = 450 und der Schlüssel = 013 sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; if 911 is the statisticalCode of POSITION and "2402.2020" is the commodityCode of POSITION and POSITION has any additionalTaxes is false then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific6' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_additionalTax' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R252b Zusatzabgabe leichte Zigaretten
Wenn die Tarifnummer = 2402.2020 und der Statistische Schlüssel = 911 ist, dann muss die Zusatzabgabe Art = 450 und der Schlüssel = 013 sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'ADDITIONALTAX' to an additional tax where the positions nr of this additional tax is the positions nr of POSITION ; if 911 is the statisticalCode of POSITION and "2402.2020" is the commodityCode of POSITION and any of the following conditions is true : - 'the var_additionalTaxType_TabakSteuer_450' is not the type of ADDITIONALTAX - 'the var_addtionalTaxKey_013' is not the key of ADDITIONALTAX , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific6' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_additionalTax' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R253a Zusatzabgabe andere Tabakwaren
Wenn die Tarifnummer = 2402.9000 und der Statistische Schlüssel = 911 ist, dann muss die Zusatzabgabe Art = 450 und der Schlüssel = 014 sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; if 911 is the statisticalCode of POSITION and "2402.9000" is the commodityCode of POSITION and POSITION has any additionalTaxes is false then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific6' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_additionalTax' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R253b Zusatzabgabe andere Tabakwaren
Wenn die Tarifnummer = 2402.9000 und der Statistische Schlüssel = 911 ist, dann muss die Zusatzabgabe Art = 450 und der Schlüssel = 014 sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'ADDITIONALTAX' to an additional tax where the positions nr of this additional tax is the positions nr of POSITION ; if 911 is the statisticalCode of POSITION and "2402.9000" is the commodityCode of POSITION and any of the following conditions is true : - 'the var_additionalTaxType_TabakSteuer_450' is not the type of ADDITIONALTAX - 'the var_addtionalTaxKey_014' is not the key of ADDITIONALTAX , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific6' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_additionalTax' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R254a Zusatzabgabe anderer Tabak
Wenn die Tarifnummer = 2403.1900 und der Statistische Schlüssel = 911 ist, dann muss die Zusatzabgabe Art = 450 und der Schlüssel = 015 oder 017 sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; if 911 is the statisticalCode of POSITION and "2403.1900" is the commodityCode of POSITION and POSITION has any additionalTaxes is false then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific6' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_additionalTax' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R254b Zusatzabgabe anderer Tabak
Wenn die Tarifnummer = 2403.1900 und der Statistische Schlüssel = 911 ist, dann muss die Zusatzabgabe Art = 450 und der Schlüssel = 015 oder 017 sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'ADDITIONALTAX' to an additional tax where the positions nr of this additional tax is the positions nr of POSITION ; if 911 is the statisticalCode of POSITION and "2403.1900" is the commodityCode of POSITION and any of the following conditions is true : - 'the var_additionalTaxType_TabakSteuer_450' is not the type of ADDITIONALTAX - the key of ADDITIONALTAX is not one of { 'the var_addtionalTaxKey_017' , 'the var_addtionalTaxKey_015' } , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific6' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_additionalTax' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R254c Zusatzabgabe anderer Tabak Schluessel 017
Wenn die Tarifnummer = 2403.1100 und der Statistische Schlüssel = 911 ist, dann muss die Zusatzabgabe Art = 450 und der Schlüssel = 017 ist.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'ADDITIONALTAX' to an additional tax where the positions nr of this additional tax is the positions nr of POSITION ; if 911 is the statisticalCode of POSITION and "2403.1100" is the commodityCode of POSITION and any of the following conditions is true : - 'the var_additionalTaxType_TabakSteuer_450' is not the type of ADDITIONALTAX - 'the var_addtionalTaxKey_017' is not the key of ADDITIONALTAX , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific6' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_additionalTax' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R254d Zusatzabgabe anderer Tabak 36288
Wenn die Tarifnummer = 2403.9990 und der Statistische Schlüssel = 911 is, dann muss die Zusatzabgabe Art 450 und der Schlüssel 015, 016 oder 017 sein
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; set 'ADDITIONALTAX' to an additional tax where the positions nr of this additional tax is the positions nr of POSITION ; if "2403.9990" is the commodityCode of POSITION and 911 is the statisticalCode of POSITION and any of the following conditions is true : - 'the var_additionalTaxType_TabakSteuer_450' is not the type of ADDITIONALTAX - the key of ADDITIONALTAX is not one of { 'the var_addtionalTaxKey_015' , 'the var_addtionalTaxKey_016' , 'the var_addtionalTaxKey_017' } , then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific6' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_additionalTax' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R255a Zusatzabgabe Kau- Rollen- und Schnupftabak
Wenn die Tarifnummer = 2403.9910 und der Statistische Schlüssel = 911 ist, dann muss die Zusatzabgabe Art = 450 und der Schlüssel = 016 sein.
definitions set 'POSITION' to a position ; if 911 is the statisticalCode of POSITION and "2403.9910" is the commodityCode of POSITION and POSITION has any additionalTaxes is false then 'the result' .setPositionError( the positions nr of POSITION , "1" , 'the check_specific6' , the name of this rule ) ; 'the result' .appendReferencedElement( the positions nr of POSITION , 'the ref_goodsItem_additionalTax' , the name of this rule ) ;
Rule: R255b Zusatzabgabe Kau- Rollen- und Schnupftabak
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