
Free trade agreements, origin

Switzerland has concluded free trade agreements with various countries. You will find all the information you need in this section. IMPORTANT: as of 1.9.2021, new rules of origin («transitional rules») will be gradually introduced in the Pan-Euro-Med Zone.


Abolition of industrial tariffs

The State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) is in charge of the abolition of industrial tariffs. The Federal Office for Customs and Border Security FOCBS is responsible for implementation.

Teaser DaziT

DaziT transformation programme

With the DaziT transformation programme, the FCA is gradually evolving to become the Federal Office for Customs and Border Security (FOCBS).

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Foreign trade statistics

We prepare, manage and publish the Swiss foreign trade statistics. In this section, you will find numerous tables and charts, and information on Swiss imports and exports. The data can be consulted by country, item and mode of transport, etc.


Taxes and fees

We levy taxes and duties on goods in cross-border traffic on behalf of Switzerland. These include customs duties, the heavy vehicle charge, value added tax, mineral oil tax, alcohol duty and tobacco duty. These taxes and duties account for around a third of all general government receipts.

2.5. Edelmetallkontrolle (12)

Precious Metal Control

All that glitters is not gold. Consequently, our Central Office for Precious Metal Control is tasked with checking goods made from gold, silver and platinum. If you wish to buy a piece of jewellery abroad, you can find out in this section what you need to look out for.

Country Flags - Foreign assignments

Foreign assignments

We make a contribution to security at home and abroad with foreign assignments at the Schengen external borders. Examples include experts in peacekeeping missions and air marshals on board Swiss-registered aircraft.

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We are in charge of practical implementation of the alcohol law. All spirits, brandies, aperitifs, etc. as well as high-grade alcohol for industrial purposes come under this law.



If you disagree with one of our decisions, you can submit an appeal. You can find out here when, to whom and in what form you can do this.