Services for importation, exportation, transit

Here you will find all services, e.g. apps, that provide direct support for the importation, exportation and transit of goods.


The new goods traffic system can be used for transit and export.


The app speeds up border crossings in the transit procedure.


The app facilitates the importation of bulk goods (periodic collective declaration).


Goods to be imported or exported can be declared electronically with e-dec Importe-dec Export, e-dec easy and e-dec web.


For the digital transmission of accompanying documents and for digital communication with Customs when using e-dec.

Chartera Output

Chartera Output offers the possibility to search for and download customs documents.

Customs tariff - Tares

Tares offers the possibility to search for a customs tariff and the applicable taxes and duties. It also provides information on tariff-related topics.

Exchange rates

View current exchange rates or for a specific date.


Goods declarations in cross-border rail freight traffic are recorded in the RailControl system.

System availability

Customs declaration / Transit / Documents